Chapter 10

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The younger man took a few more deep breaths before standing up straighter and looking over at Rick.
"Nice moves there, Clint Eastwood. You the new Sheriff come riding in to clean up the town." He spoke, sarcasm laced in his jokey tone. Rick only sighed before looking out into the alleyway that was now filled with walkers.
"It wasn't my intention." He responded making the corner of The females lips curve upwards slightly.
"Yeah. Whatever. Yeehaw. You two are still dumbasses." The man spoke again in the same tone before. Rick extends his hand towards the man that saved their lives with a slight but serious smile.
"Rick, thanks." He spoke as the younger male shook his hand firmly.
"Glenn. You're welcome."

By now they both turned towards Mill who still had her hand on her shoulder. Both males eyes widen in fear at the sight of the blood seeping through her uniform.
"Where you bit?" Glenn's voice spoke the words they feared the answer to. Only when Mill shook her head did they seem to relax.
"I'm fine. Just popped a few of my stitches, I was shot a while back and it hasn't had time to heal. The names Mill by the way, and I would offer you a hand shake but I don't think that would be very pleasant for either of us." Glenn only nods a small smile  making its way onto his face having caught her humor. Seeing Rick move out of the corner of his eye Glenn tensed slightly seeing the older male get closer until he noticed him putting a gun into the bag on his back. Letting out a sigh of relief he caused his gaze downward. His eyes grew wide as fear and surprised filled them.
"Oh no." He muttered making the officers follow his gaze to the walker filled alley way. Walkers pushed and shoved to the front of the crowd as one surprisingly starts to climb up the ladder.

Taking a glance up the ladder on the side of the building Mill let out a sigh wincing slightly as the strap of the bag of guns and her crossbow dug unto her wound. With great trouble she manages to take both off and place them over her other shoulder. Noticing the women's struggles Glenn tried to giver her a hand by trying to take the bag of guns only to be stopped by her.
"No I'm fine, just had to reposition them so they didn't press into the wound. Haven't realized it until now." She clarified but both males looked at her skeptically. "Are you gonna go up or wait to be walker food?" Mill spoke gesturing to the ladder with her thumb making Glenn look up through squinted eyes as the sun beamed down on his face. Going over he places a hand on the ladder before looking over at his two new companions.

"The bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us. I'm a glass half full kind of guy." He speaks making Mill roll her eyes but a smile was on her face.
"Just don't do anything reckless." She comments following up after Glenn once he was a few feet away.
"I thing you two have already done enough of that." Glenn calls making Mill let out a slight laugh.
"You know I think I like you kid." Mill responds making Glenn let out a chuckle. Rick listened to their conversation with a slight frown. Having only been a few steps behind Mill. They used to talk like that towards each other. Mill even used to call him kid as well. Seeing how she was on the force a couple years longer then him. She calls people kid because they are new, their was always a smile on a new officers face when she called them that and when she stopped it almost felt like a right of passage in some way.

In the middle of their assent up the building Mill had to stop for a moment. Both men stopped as well seeing her struggle was something new to one of the males. While the other seemed to pity her and watched with concerned eyes as she took deep breaths.
"I'm good." She spoke as they continued forwards until they reached the top. Hauled himself up and into the roof of the building Glenn turns and extended his hand towards the injured female who gladly took it. She practically collapses on the roof below Glenn's feet pain and exhaustion haven gotten the worse of her today. Rick pulled himself up and onto the roof taking in the sight of her friend laying on the ground her face kinda pale and sweat sliding down her forehead. Concern filled his eyes as he walked over to Glenn who blocked the sun for his new friend.
"Do you have a rag or anything to stop the bleeding?" He asked making Glenn and Mill look up at him.
"We have stuff back at camp to stitch up the injury and I'm pretty sure you can find something in the building we're held up in to wrap the would for now." Glenn clarified as Mill sits up with a groan.

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