Chapter 34

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"Let us keep trying as long as we can." Lori pleaded Jenner who looked at her.
"I told you topside's locked down. I can't open those." Jenner spoke going over to the key pad and unlocking the door that kept them in.
"Come on!" Daryl yelled being right next to the doors as they opened. Causing everyone to run towards the newly open door.
"Let's go!"
"Move it! Move it!"
"Stay right by me."
"Come on let's move it!"
"We're gonna get out of here, Sophia!" Everyone shouts something as they make their way to the open door.
"Thank you." Rick spoke to Jenner who stood next to him.
"The day will come when you won't be." Jenner spoke towards Rick as the group stopped.
"Let's go!" Glenn yelled out making Rick turn to leave until Jenner fought him by his arm and pulled him closer to whisper something in his ear. Lori who rushes over to Rick grabs his other arm and pulls him away from Jenner. Rick stares at him in shock before snapping out of it and runs over to the rest of the group.
"Hey, we got four minutes left! Come on!" Glenn calls to the remaining group as T dragged Jacqui towards the door only for her to stop him.
"No no. I'm staying. I'm staying, sweetie." She states causing T to let go and look at her.
"But that's insane!" T claimed causing Jacqui to shake her head.
"No, it's completely sane. For the first time in the long time. I'm not ending up like Jim and Amy. There's no time to argue. And no point, not if you want to get out. Just got out. Get out." Jacqui begs ushering T along who looks at her sadly.
"Dog come on man. Come on! Let's go! Let's go!" Shane called taking the shocked man by the arm and leading him up the ramp. Dale who still stood near the bottom of the ramp motioned for Jacqui to follow the others only to face her shake her head and cross her arms over her chest as she walks back towards Jenner.
"I'm staying too." Andrea states causing Dale to look at her.
"Andrea, no." Dale spoke only for Andrea to turn her back on him and sit down in a chair. Dale then turns to the group and waves them off.
"Just go! Go!" He yells at them causing them to turn and proceed down the hall.
"Come on." Shane spoke leading them out.

Once they reach the mail lobby T and Daryl both start banging in the glass trying to get it to break.
"Get them doors open!"
"Come on!"
"It doesn't work!"
"Wait a minute! Wait a minute." Rick tries to keep everyone calm as T tried the electronic security pad beside the doors.
"Try it! Try it! Try it now!' He yelled over to Glenn who tried the doors but they didn't open. Grabbing two axes Shane turns to Daryl who stood by the windows.
"Daryl!" He yelled throwing an axe to the redneck who catches it, the two then start to strike the glass with the axes but it wouldn't break.
"Stay close, sweetheart." Lori called to Carl holding him close to her. Soon T ran over to the window with a chair in his hands.
"Daryl look out!" He yelled causing Daryl to step out of the way as T begins to strike the glass with the chair again not making any cracks.
"Dog get down! Get down!" Shane hollered coming up to the window with a shotgun in hand shooting a round at the windows only for it not to break.
"Jesus." Shane exclaimed before turning to the group.
"The glass won't break?" He states watching jumping down from the small raised section of floor next to the window and walking over to Mill and Mary. Carol soon walks over while digging through her purse.
"Rick, I have something that might help." She called getting Rick's attention.
"Carol, I don't think a nail filler is gonna work." Shane spoke sarcastically earning a wack from Mill.
"You had this in your pocket when you came to camp." Carol explained holding out a single grenade. (Yep she was just carrying that around in her purse like most woman do lol)

"Look out!" Calls as everyone beside Rick takes cover. Pulling the pin it takes a couple second to register that he was still holding the live grenade in his hand before he tosses it next to the window and backs away from the window.
"Oh, sh-."
"Get down!" Get down Shane warns interrupting Rick.
"Get down!" Daryl echos making sure everyone heard.
"Shit!" Rick shouts as he runs and dives for cover. The grenade soon goes off shattering the glass pane enough for everyone to get through. Everyone quickly rushes out of the ticking time bomb they stand in and out into the from lawn of the C.D.C. Walkers littered the lawn here and there causing Shane and Rick to shoot some to clear a path. Daryl who still wields an axe swings it and takes a walkers head off in one fluent notion. The group eventually splits, Rick, Lori, Carl, and Glenn quickly file into the RV seeing how that was the closest. Shane, Mill, And Mary get into Shane's Jeep, Carol and Sophia get into the car behind the RV, T gets into his truck, and Daryl gets into his pickup.

"Wait their coming." Mill spoke to Shane who was about to start the engine causing Shane to look up and sure enough Dale and Andrea where making their way out of the building.
"Come on." Mill breathed holding Mary close to her as she watched they make their way to the RV. Pretty soon though Rick honks the horn and Lori yells at them to get down. Everyone ducks for cover, Mill covers Mary's small frame with hers feeling Shane place himself over her protecting the two beneath him. A big explosion soon rips through the air as waves of heat crashed into the vehicles and their passengers causing them to sweat. The cars where hot to the touch on one side and Mill could still feel the heat rush over her as she looks up to see the building collapsed and burning.
"Are you two okay?" Shane asked and for an answer Mill quickly hugs him. Shane pulls Mill and Mary close to him as he looks at the crumbled building his thoughts telling him how close to death they all were. Pretty soon Dale and Andrea making their way into the RV and pick pulls away from the curb everyone else following. Mill stays close to Shane leaning her head on his shoulder as she holds a sleeping Mary close to her between the two adults. A single tear runs down her face thinking about how close they all were, and how she wasn't gonna see Jacqui again. Shane feeling something drip onto his shirt turns to see it was Mill. He gently holds her hand in his and places a kiss to the side of her head before turning his gaze to the road in front of him.

Yay done with book one. If ya haven't noticed I'm doing my books my seasons. So yes season ones done. Now I need you guys to vote. I'm doing this for every book after this one.
Who do you want to live out of the people in this list who die in season two.


I ain't going to do all the characters that die in season two. So I'm only gonna do two, if an event of a tie I will do more. I'm only giving you guys until I reach the first death scene on the second season so whoever you think should've lived longer comment below. Thank you guys all for reading. WalkerHunter16 out✌️
So what part of the book surprised you the most? Please comment and vote. Love y'all.

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