Chapter 26⚠️

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There is a trigger warning in this chapter about rape so don't read if you have that trigger. Thank y'all.

Mill watches as Shane, Rick, and Dale make their way into the forest before turning her attention back to her daughters hair, who patiently sat between her mother's legs her baby blues eyeing her mother's arrows. Not noticing this Mill begins to put Mary's hair into a pony tail, it being to short to put into a braid. Finishing up her work Mill places a gentle kiss to Mary's forehead making the child laugh causing some of the group to smile. A shadow soon blocks the sunlight from beating down on the two of them making Mill look up blocking the sun from her eyes with her hand.
"You couldn't stay away could ya?" She asked the figure smirking.
"Shut up, women." Daryl responded taking a seat in the chair in front of the pair. Mill looked around the camp, something shining in the light caught her attention making her turn and smile.
"Who's the owner of a beautiful thing like that?" She asked more to herself but none the less Daryl turns and follows her gaze to the motorcycle.
"Was Merle." He states simply making Mill turn to him.
"Didn't mean to bring that up." Mill spoke as Daryl shrugs it off before his eyes drifted to Mary. This makes Mill look down as well only to see Mary trying to get one of her arrows out of the box Mill kept them in. With a smile she gently takes the box from her little girl making Mary look up at her. She watches as her mother opens the box and retrieved one of the arrows before closing it. Taking off the head she then lowers it down to Mary who took It happily
"Ya let her play with your arrows." Daryl asked making kill look up at him.
"She wants to learn how to shot, but she can't right now so I let her play with the arrows. The first time I let her touch one she stabbed me in the thigh with it, and that was before the world went down hill." Bringing a hand to his face Daryl hid the smirk forming at the thought of Mary stabbing Mill with an arrow.

Silence fell between them and after a few minutes Mary got tired with the arrow and went over to Lori who was coloring with Carl, Sophia, and Carol. Seeing the little girl approaching they all smiled and welcomed her in. Sighing Mill took out her hunting knife and began to clean it.
"I don't trust Shane." She states resting her elbows on her knees as she looks at the knife in her hands. Daryl seems to freeze not knowing what to do.
"Thought I was the only one." He spoke causing Mill to look up at him.
"He's changed and not for the better. I don't like the way he was looking at Rick and Lori. It looks like he wants to kill Rick or something." Daryl nods in agreement glancing around slightly.
"Plus he was looking at ya like ya were a piece of meat." This only made Mill sigh and shake her head.
"That's the thing, he always had a crush on me even when I was married. I only see him as a friend and nothing more, sure a part of me wants attention from a guy. Like to be kissed or hugged...and that almost happened with Shane a few days back which in don't want. Then you have Rick who is and will forever be like a brother to me. I just wish he would get his act together and stop acting like the world hadn't ended. His still wearing his uniform for fucks sakes. That won't stop someone from shooting at him. They both changed, we all have. Some for the better and some for the worst." Daryl lets her words sink in, her and Shane almost kissed, Rick needs to face reality in order for her to act the way she would normally towards him, then the fact that they had in fact all changed.

A yawn escapes Mill's lips making her cover her mouth with he hand. She glances up at the sky to see the sun was setting. Mary came over to her and gently pulled on Mill's shirt causing her to pick Mary up and place her on her lap.
"Ya better get some rest we leave in the morning. I have first watch." Daryl suggested causing Mill to tiredly nod her head before slowly sitting up. She walked off towards her tent now having one of her own for her and Mary. She unzipped the flap and set Mary down so she could get everything ready when a hand covered her mouth and pulled her inside. Mary who had seen everything happened ran off to go get help seeing her mother's pleading eyes.
Back in the tent Mill struggled against her attackers grip raising her hands to grab and claw at the hand covering her mouth only for the person behind her to force her hands behind her back and pinned them there with his other hand. The person then starts to kiss along Mill's next making the already fearful women scarred beyond belief. She tried desperately to remove the hands around her body. Her attacker then starts to kiss around the base of her neck and shoulders causing Mill to swing her head back. Hearing the figure groan in pain from behind her and his grip loosen Mill quickly makes a run for it only making it out of the tent until the figure gets her again. She tried to let out a scream but the person quickly covered her mouth again. She thrashed around again fighting the force that tried to pull her onto all fours only for her to fail. Tears slipped out of her eyes and over the attackers hand as she lets out a muffled scream feeling the man behind her reach to undo her jeans. Popping the button he sticks his hand in and plunges two fingers into her dry core causing Mill to let out a muffled cry of pain. The male groans from behind her as he moves his hips against her in rhythm with his finger before adding a second one. Mill again screams in pain more tears rolling down as the guy added more force.

"Mill." Someone whispered causing the man behind her to faulted giving her enough time to move the man's hand off her mouth.
"He-!" The hand returned before she could get the word out but the hearing foot steps alerted her that the person in fact heard her. Mill tries to think of something as the man removes his hand from inside her and towards his own pants. Taking this opportunity Mill looks around and see's a branch off to the right. She quickly grabs it and swings it back hearing the man grunt. The foot steps foot grew louder causing the her attacker to turn tail and run into the woods. Now free Mill falls to the ground panting and crying. She curls into a ball as the feeling of the man's hands linger on her skin. The approaching footsteps stop a few feet away from Mill, as her savior takes in her broken frame.
"Mill." He gently spoke seeing her shaking. He crouched down beside her causing Mill to turn and look up at him before throwing herself at him needing to feel safe and protected. Her savior freezes for a moment before wrapping with strong arms around the women breaking in front of him.
"You two are sleeping in my tent tonight, I don't care what people think." Her savior spoke making Mill nod her head. She was then picked up to shaken and scared to stand on her own. The gentle swaying calmed Mill down slightly enough for her to catch her breath. Hearing a tent unzip Mill turns her head to see the soft glow of a few lanterns eliminating the tent. She was then placed onto the blowup mattress that was in the center of the tent.
"Sleep on the bed, I'll sleep beside it." Her savior said as Mary. Crawls in next to her mother's side and snuggles into her.
"Please stay." Mill spoke her voice tried and strained from the crying and screaming. The man nods slightly before getting in beside her and pulling a thin blanket over the three of them. He didn't dare touch her though now wanting her to freak out, so he just laid down on his back and stared up at the tent. Mill turned on her side holding Mary close to her. The feeling of someone she trusted beside her allowing her to drift off into a plague sleep.

The next morning

Mill slowly opened her eyes as the memories of last night rushed through her head. Almost being rapped, Daryl saving her, and letting her and Mary sleep in his tent. Which is how she got into the position she was in. Mary who had fallen sleep before Mill was still cuddled up to her mother grasping tightly into her shirt, Mill was still on her side holding her daughter close. The only thing that changed was the protective arm draped around Mill's waist pulling her flush against a solid frame. She turned seeing Daryl's sleeping face causing her to smile slightly at how peaceful he looked. She shifted slightly moving closer to the warmth he provided feeling his arm tighten around her. She feels safe in his embrace as if nothing could hurt her as long as she stayed like this. Which made her mentally slap herself for feeling that way. Something moving behind her causes Mill to close her eyes and pretend to sleep not wanting to get into an awkward conversation this early in the morning. Feeling the warmth and arm leave her Mill felt disappointed until she left Daryl move a piece of hair out of her face. He then gets up waking Mary up as he does so causing the little girl to wriggle out of her mother's protective hold and walk outside with Daryl. Leaving Mill alone with her thoughts about what just happened.

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