Chapter 27

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Everyone was packing up their things for the big move, Rick had already radioed Morgan telling him where their going and how he could find them before going back to them camp. His eyes took in the sight of saddened people until his eyes stopped on Mill who was standing beside Daryl. The two talked back and forth as Mill helped Daryl her the motorcycle into the back of the truck. While loading the bike into the bed Daryl had managed to slip and almost fall causing Mill to laugh and tried to hide it behind her hand while Daryl glared at her. Something changed in his eyes though it wasn't all hatred towards her now it was something else. Rick sighed thinking back to when it was Mill and him who shared those moments.

"We're, uh... were... we're not going." Morales spoke after Rick went over the plan.
"We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people." His wife adds causing all the remaining group members to look down sadly.
"You go you're on your own. You won't have anyone to watch your back." Shane warns causing the family to look at him.
"We'll take the chance. I got to do what's the best for my family." Rick looks over at them.
"You sure?" He asked wanting to make sure they really wanted to leave.
"We talked about it. We're sure." Morales assured causing Rick do look over at Shane.
"Yeah, all right." Shane spoke turning away from Rick's gaze.
".357?" Mill asked from behind Rick causing her former friend to turn towards her. Rick could sense something was wrong with her. Mill's eyes didn't hold the life they normal had now they just look dull and slightly broken. Rick only shrugs it off and nods taking the handgun and ammo from her and giving them to Morales.
"Yeah. Box if half full." Rick adds watching as Morales took it with a sad smile. Hearing someone scuff behind him Rick turns to see Daryl standing off to the side with his arms crossed glaring. 
"Thank you all... for everything." Morales's wife said before Lori pulled her into a hug.
"Come here." Lori spoke as the two cried for a moment before pulling away to allow others to say their good byes.

Shane offered Morales a hand shake to which he took.
"Good luck man." Shane offers making Morales nod.
"Appreciate it." He answers as they let go of each other's hands.
"Yeah." Shane responds taking a few steps back so the rest of the group could wish them off. Meanwhile Morales daughter and Sophia where hugging each other not wanting to see the other leave. Offering Sophia her doll as a remember of the friend ship they had Sophia gently took it and hugs it close to her as they step away from each other.
"Channel 40 if you change your minds. All right?" Rick spoke causing Morales to nod his head and respond with a Yeah. Shane seeming pissed off about this whole thing looks over at Rick.
"What makes you think our odds are any better? Come on. Let's go. Let's move out." He called turning to go back to his Jeep. Rick notices something though the slight limp in his step he found it weird that Shane had done that in his sleep but seemed to shake the feeling off as his imagination before founding Lori, Carl, Sophia, and Carol in his car. Mill, Mary, and Daryl decided to ride together in the rednecks pickup. T and Andrea rode in the other while the rest minus Shane who had his Jeep piled inside of the RV. As the all make their way to the main road Morales turns a right waving at the group he became friends with as he does so. Glenn who sat in the passenger seat of the RV watches them drive away sadly.

It wasn't long until the RV started to smoke causing the parade of vehicles to stop. Rick taking a glance at Lori gets out along with most of the others. A pissed off Dale stood in front of the hissing RV fanning away smoke.
"I told you we'd never get far on that hose. I said I needed the one from the cube van." Dale spoke towards Rick and group as the approach him.
"Can you jury-rig it?" Rick asked confused on why Dale was making such a big fuss about it.
"That's all it's been so far. It's more duct tape than hose. And I'm out of duct tape." Dale answered giving Rick one of those really looks seeing how he had explained to the group before about this happening. Mill soon turn the corner of the RV Mary trailing behind her rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes having just woken up from a nap.
"Mama?" Mary spoke causing Mill to crouch down next to her little girl. "I'm thirsty." She adds making some of the group chuckle. Mill smiled down at her little girl before looking over at dale who waved her off towards the RV to get Mary a bottle of water. Mill smiled kindly at him before entering the RV. Mary watches her mother disappear into the RV before going over to Rick and holding onto his pant leg causing Rick to look down and smile at the young girl who smiles back before looking around with out letting go of Rick's pants.
"I see something up ahead. A gas station if we're lucky." Shane states lowering his binoculars turning to look at Rick and the group. Before Mill and Jacqui frantically rushed out of the RV.
"Y'all, Jim, it's bad. I don't think he can take anymore." Jacqui states as Shane walked over to Rick.
"Hey, Rick, you want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead, see what I can bring back." He offers making T turn towards them looking out to where Shane was looking.
"Yeah, I'll come along too, and I'll back you up." Shane nods telling him that he could come before turning to the group.
"Y'all keep your eyes open now. We'll be right back." And with that the two left.

Rick slowly turn towards the RV and take off his hat. He braces himself before he enters the RV to see Jim laying down he seemed weak, his completion was paler much paler as sweat deeds down his body. The warning that Morgan said about the fever. How they radiate heat like a furnace. How " it's the fever that gets ya." He didn't think it would be this bad.
"We'll be back on the road soon." Jim only looks at him with a pained expression.
"Oh no, Christ. My bones... my bones are like glass. Every little bump, God, this ride is killing me. Leave me here. I'm done. Just leave me. I want to be with my family." Jim practically begs causing Rick to look at him in shock.
"They're all dead. I don't think you know what you're asking. The fever... you've been delirious more often than not." Rick explained causing Jim to look at him.
"I know. Don't you think I know?" He exclaimed pulling himself up to sit up more but the pain coursing through his body at the simple action made him groan.
"I'm clear now in five minutes I might not be, Rick, I know what I'm asking. I want this. Leave me here. Now that's on me, okay? My decision, not your failure." Jim tried to reason. Rick only nods his head and leaves the RV. Walking through the RV door everyone turned to him. Rick looked around the group seeing that Shane and T where back already.
"Jim wants to be left here, it's what he says he wants." Rick explained telling him Jim's wishes.
"And he's lucid?" Carol asked who holds Sophia next to her.
"He seems to be. I would say yes." Rick answers causing Dale to walk in front if the group.
"Back at camp when I said Daryl might be right and you shut me down, you misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man. I was just gunna suggest that we ask Jim what he wants and I think we have an answer." Dale spoke causing Shane to glance from him to Rick.
"We just leaving him here? We take off? Man, not sure I could live with that." He admits causing Lori to glare at them.
"It's not your call, either one of you." She points out causing the two men to drop it and do fetch Jim from the RV.

"Yeah. That's it." Rick spoke to Jim who groaned in pain as the two men set him about half way up the hill against a tree giving him a nice view for his last moments.
"Hey, another damn tree." Jim chuckled trying to lighten up the situation making Rick smile a little and step back while Shane steps forwards and kneels down in front of the dying man.
"Hey, Jim... I mean, you know it doesn't need to be this." Shane spoke trying to talk Jim out of it or give him a chance to change his mind.
"No it's good. The breeze feels nice." Jim spoke resting his head against the tree.
"Okay. All right." Shane then stood back up as Jacqui comes and kneels beside Jim tears forming in her eyes.
"Just close your eyes, Sweetie. Don't fight." She spoke placing a kiss to Jim's cheek before going down the hill to the others to silently wait. Once she was gone Rick kneels down next to Jim and holds out a pistol.
"Jim, do you want this?" He questioned causing Jim to slightly shake his head.
"No. you'll need it. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim answered exhaustion I'm his tone as his eyes grew heavier. Before he tried to force them to stay open at the sight of dale coming up to him.
"Oh, hey." Dale looked at him nervously not knowing what to say to the man in front of him.
"Thanks for, uh, for fighting for us." He finally spoke hearing Jim breath loudly.
"Okay." Him replied as Dale walks back to the group. Glenn nod Andrea went to say goodbye but Mill who was holding Mary gives him a silent nod and smile with tears in her eyes.

"Take care of your little girl the best you can, Mill. She'll need you the most." Jim spoke the best he could returning the smile the best he could.
"I will." As a few tears slid down her cheek as she turns away to go back to the truck. Mary waved at Jim who with all the strength he had raised his hand weakly and returned the wave. Daryl watches the mother and daughter leave before turning to Jim and giving him a respectful nod before joining the others on their way to their vehicles. As they pass by Jim they sadly look at the dying man they came to know as a friend and family. Jim weakly looks up at the sky and smiles feeling the sun on his face for the last time.

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