Chapter 8

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Rick felt Mill tense up at the sight of them, her hold around his waist tightening slightly. Gently tapping the horses side Rick makes the horse go into a canter. Wanting to put as much distance between them as possible. The horse jerks slightly watching the walkers in fright.
"Steady. There's just a few. Nothing we can't outrun. Okay whoa whoa whoa." Rick reassured the horse as they continue their was down the abandoned streets. Getting away from the walkers from the bus Rick finally slows the horse down into a walk. Mill's grip around her friends waist loosened as she let the tension out of her muscles. They continued their walk through the city of Atlanta with no problem. The occasional walker here and there but that was it. Once they got to a certain spot though Mill's mind went south. In front of them amongst turned over cars was a tank. As they walk passed Mill couldn't help but tense up as memories from the army replayed in her head. Her eyes widen though at the sight of a soldier's dead body laying on top of the tank as if he was trying to escape. Crows picked away at his rotting flesh making Mill turn her head to look the other way.

Rick felt Mill's breath on his back making him look over his shoulder at her.
"I saw stuff in battle and on the field, but never in a million years have I seen this." Mill spoke to herself not noticing the small frown on her companions face. That frown soon turned into something between surprise and confusion. As the sound of a helicopter reached Rick's ears. Mill seemed to perk up at the sound of the helicopter
"You hear that to?" Rick spoke making Mill respond with a quiet yes not wanting to talk with him at the moment after what has happened recently.
Rick shouts much to Mill's dismay. Her body wrenched forward as the horse runs not prepared for the sudden movement she almost falls off but her arms held tightly onto Rick's waist. She glares holes into the back of his head not believing what he was doing.
"Rick stop you don't know what's around another corner. Slow down!" Mill yelled her voice holding anger and slight fear at her friends decision. Rick payed little to no attention to her. Instead he focused on the reflection of the helicopter in the glass of the buildings. Rick makes a sharp turn only to come face to face with a street full of walkers.
Mill shouts as the horse reared up whinnying and trying to get out of the situation at hand.

Rick turned the horse around running back the way they came only to face another street full of walkers. The horse bucks again backing towards the tank as the walkers start to get closer to them. Caging the horse in from all sides. Mill's grip on Rick waist seemed to tighten even more as her eyes widen in fear. The walkers started to get closer to them.
"Oh shit. Oh God." Rick spoke panicked looking around frantically, searching for some was to get them out of this mess. The horse kicked and bucked from beneath him causing Rick to almost fall into the sea of corpses.

The dead pull on his leg making Rick kick them off frantically, the horse bucks again this time knocking one of the two people riding on its back. Rick feeling the absence of the weight behind him turns to see Mill missing. The walkers started to tare away at the horse making it drop to the ground along with Rick. Who quickly tried to escape the situation he was in.

As if luck was on his side most of the walkers where drawn to the dead horse laying on the ground a few feet before him. While the others went towards him. Crawling backwards away from the approaching walkers Rick lands a kick on one that was way to close.
"Shoot." He spoke his voice abandoning him at this moment as he saw more of the walkers being attracted to him.

Taking a quick glance around himself Rick noticed that we was just a few feet away from the tank. Making a break for it he quickly crawls under the tank. Thinking he was safe for a moment Rick took a deep breath until he felt something grab onto his foot. He snaps his gaze down to his feet in horror as he sees walkers starting to crawl under it to get to him. Not wanting to give up the pursuit of the alive meal in front of them.
"Oh God. Oh God." With a shaky hand Rick reaches for the colt in his hip holster. Barely having enough room to shoot at the living dead crawling towards him Rick shoots about three walkers creating some sort of barrier between him and the dead below him.

Rick glances up ahead of him to see more walkers coming the same thing below him as well. With a sigh Rick checks his colts ammo only to see one bullet left. Rick with a sad heart places the gun at the side of his temple his eyes shut briefly as he imagined his wife and son one last time.
"Lori, Carl, I'm sorry.
The sound of something above him opening made him snap open his eyes only to be met with a deep coffee brown pair. Rick was lost for words at the moment taking in her features as if trying to find something about her that wasn't real.
"Get your ass in here." Mill barked her voice snapping Rick out of his thoughts as he hauls himself up and into the tank. Mill quickly closes the hatch below them before sitting at the far side of the tank not wanting to be by Rick as the moment.

Rick only looked at him for a moment before shaking his head slightly and looking around. It was pretty roomy for the two of them well three counting the bed body of a soldier beside Rick who quickly gives it a once over making sure it was actually dead or not. Mill still hasn't said a word to him not even bothering to give him a second glance. She was stiff through not wanting to be this close to the body of the soldier. Having it only fill her mind with bad memories. Rick not noticing his companions discomfort reaches for the soldier's gun in its holster.

Grasping onto it, Rick pulls back slightly only to see the dead corpse to come at his its eyes open and mouth wide. Realizing the fate before him Rick quickly shoots the thing in the head with his colt. The shot rang out through the tank bouncing off the metal walls as both Rick and Mill groan in pain. The sound of the gunshot alerted the walkers out side making some bang on the tank, but nor Rick or Mill heard it. Seeing how all they could hear in ringing. Mill glares over at Rick while holding her ears in pain. Her gaze was hazy and blurred both from pain and the ringing.

Mill glances around before her eyes widened in fear. As quickly as her pain ridden body could stand she makes her was to the top hatch of the tank. Pulling it closed she allows herself to practically fall to the floor as a head ache takes over. Still in pain she manages to make her way to the opposite side of the tank and glares at Rick. "What?" Rick asks not liking his friends stare.
"You dumb ass you could've made us permanently deaf, you think that would be good in this world?" She snaps his voice holding some sort of growl that sent shivers of discomfort down his spine. Never have they fought this much before, and it was now Rick realized that most of them were because of him.

Rick only glances down only glancing up when he caught Mill moving around. He watched as she rests the barrel of her Colt M1911 against her forehead deep in through. Rick opened his mouth to say something but his voice didn't come out.
"Hey you. Dumb asses. Yeah, you in the tank. Are you cozy in there?"
Both survivors snap their heads in the direction of the radio. Only now realizing they are not alone. They are not alone in a war that only ends when you do.

Season one episode one, AMC's The Walking Dead. I only own my character not anything else, I also own the little twists that don't match with the show. Like how Mill closes the hatch and not Rick. Thank y'all for reading. Again follow to join our family, and I will see you in the next chapter. Buh Bye!

"There's still a life fore us, a place, it's not all just death out there, it can't be." ~ Rick Grimes

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