Chapter 20

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The group began to feast around dusk, the only ones not there was Ed who laid bruised in his tent as well for the group in Atlanta trying to get Merle. The rest of the group though sat around the fire enjoying the fish the sisters had caught earlier that day. Mill sat between Dale and Andrea, the blonde wanted to talk to Mill about something. She would glance over at Shane every so often though, catching his gaze a couple times. Mary who happily sat on Shane's lap enjoyed small bits of fish. A smile makes It's way onto Mill's face seeing the two like that, almost if the world didn't go to shit.
I've got to ask you man. It's driving me crazy." Morales spoke from he spot across the fire towards Dale who winds his watch.
"What?" Dale asked looking up at him with a smile.
"That watch." Morales points out nodding towards the watch.
"What's wrong with my watch." Dale's brows knitted together not understanding what he was getting at.
"I see you everyday, the same time winding that thing like a village priest saying Mass." Morales's statement makes Andrea nod in agreement and point at Dale.
"I've wondered this myself." Jacqui chimed in before bringing another bit of fish to her mouth.
"I'm missing the point." Dale spoke glancing at everyone who looked at him.
"Unless I've misread the sighs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while." Jacqui adds.
"But there you are everyday winding that stupid watch." Morales smiles causing Dale to look at him.
"Time, its important to keep track isn't it? The days at least. Don't you think Andrea? Back me up here." Andrea only chuckles at him taking another bit of fish causing Dale to turn back to the group.

"It's like, it's like what, um, a father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said" I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better then it did mine to my fathers before me. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it."
His little speech causes most of the group to either smile or laugh.
"You are so weird." Amy said with a smile causing the group to laugh.
"It's not me. It's Faulkner. William Faulkner. Maybe my bad paraphrasing." Dale explained while Amy sat down her cup and proceeded to stand.
"Where are you going?" Andrea spoke once Amy was a few feet away causing the younger sister to turn to her sister.
"I have to pee. Jeez, you try to be discreet around here." She joked before going towards the RV, again some of the group laughed.

A few moments later Amy comes out of the RV and raises an arm to shut the door before she turns to the group.
"Where out of toilet paper?" She called and was about to retake her seat when a walker comes around the corner of the RV and grabs ahold of her arm causing Amy to scream. The walker sinks his teeth into the flesh of her upper arm causing Amy to call out louder. More walkers came from behind the RV one taking a chunk out of Amy's neck causing her screams to become more faint as blood starts to run down her throat slightly chocking her. At this point everyone started to scream as more and more walkers came out of the woods around them. Mill quickly reached for her crossbow which lent against the back of the chair, she strained for a moment before pulling the strings back completely and loading it with an arrow.
"Mary!" She shouted looking around frantically to search for her missing girl through the chaos of running people and walkers. Mill quickly shot a walker that was near Jacqui making the women turn hearing the sound of something fall behind her. Mill soon decided that a crossbow was not the best thing for he job right now and pulls out her machete from her belt. People scream and run making it hard to pinpoint who is a walker and who wasn't.
"Mary!" Mill called again sticking a walker in the temple causing the blade to cut through half of the walkers head before she shoved it to the ground.

She takes another look around seeing Shane protecting the women and children near the RV. She was about to go to them when she felt something grab her leg causing Mill to call. She quickly looks over her shoulder to see a female walker snapping her ways. A decayed hand was around Mill's ankle as it pulled itself closer. Mill brought her other foot up and kicked the walker in the head causing it to let go of her foot. Taking the opportunity Mill raises her machete above her head before plunging it into the walkers skull causing it to go limp. She quickly removes the blade wincing at the  sickening crack that follows. She gets up to her feet and turns shoving a walker back before it could get her before striking it near the ear causing the top half of the head to fall off before the body collapses. At this point gun shots could be heard making Mill turn to see the group from Atlanta had returned. Walkers start to fall one by one until none where left what took their place was a sea of death. Walkers and people littered the ground around their feet causing Mill to step over them.
"Mary!" She called yet again.
"Ahh!" Heading the scream Mill turns in the direction seeing Mary getting chased into the woods by three walkers. Mill quickly takes off after them trying to get to her daughter before it was to late.

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