chapter 1

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That day in kindergarten when he grabbed my pencil off the floor was when I first met Hwang Hyunjin.


I was a little child and just innocently dropped my pencil on the floor. A cute boy noticed and grabbed the pencil at the same time as me. Our hands touched and we looked at each other in the eyes. He flashed me a smile and handed me my pencil.

The rest of the day we spent all of our time together. We sat together at lunch and played at recess together. And we were Best Friends since.

~end of flashback~

I don't know how we stayed friends all these years. But here we are, in our senior year of high school. Still together, and still best friends.

Through all the years we have had at least two classes together every year. Everyone knew that we were inseparable. It was true. I never want to loose my best friend. I needed him to make me happy.

Everyone asks us if we ever have or will date. We constantly say NO. But it's because we've never seen each other like that. We never had feelings for each other, we were just friends. Best friends.

"Hyunjin-ah! Wait!" I said calling out to him.

He was about to leave without me. We always left school together. Hyunjin and I were neighbors, so we walked home together.

"Hey, I need your advice on something." he asked me.

"What is it?" I answered back.

"Well, there is this girl-" he said.

But I cut him off, "OMG!!! A girl! Who?"

"Someone. But I've only talked to her once and want to know more about her. What do I do?" He said and blushed a little.

"OMGGG! Your blushing?!?!?" I screamed. Yes. I was one of those annoying best friends, but I knew that Hyunjin loved that about me. That's why I'M his best friend.

"Hey can you just answer my question?" He said.

He then pushed me. And I never back down when stuff like this happens. I started pushing him and then he gave me a look. And that's when I knew I messed up. I ran away and he chased after me.

This was an occurring moment. We would start pushing each other and it always turns into a competition. We never have real actual fights or arguments though. Nothing has happened that has made us want to actually argue with each other.

I was happy with that. Hyunjin is the only friend that I've ever kept from elementary school and middle school. He always stayed by my side. And I stayed by his.

If we ever had to leave each other, it would break my heart. And not the same way if someone would break up with you. Loosing the person that I've basically spent my whole life with is not like anything else. Trust me I know.

Way before I met Hyunjin, I had a sister. Not a normal sister, but my twin sister. Her name was Haeun. She was older than me by 7 minutes. Ha meant Great and Eun meant Money. Our parents named me Ha Yoon. Yoon meant to allow something to arrive.

So my parents logic was if we named one of our daughters Money and the other To Bring something then maybe they will get lucky with getting money.

But unfortunately, a year before I started kindergarten my sister passed. She was always really sick since birth and everyone knew that she wasn't gonna live a long life. But I didn't know. I didn't know that she would have to leave me so early.

That's when I started to not trust many people. I didn't trust that people were gonna stay. And I'm happy that I didn't. Because a couple years later after my sisters death, my parents left me at an orphanage.

But I was adopted very quick. I was adopted into a family that really accepted me as their own. They sent me to school, put food on my plate, and put a roof over my head.

But then the mother that adopted me passed away about a year and a half after she adopted me. She was the one that really helped me get back on my feet, well other than Hyunjin.

It was hard for me to trust Hyunjin back then too. I thought that he was going to leave me too. But thankfully he didn't.

I have to admit, my life wasn't perfect. It wasn't even close to being okay.

We both know that we need each other. And that's all we needed each other. To stay by each other's side. We didn't need to love, just the requirement of being by each other.

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