chapter 26

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I woke up and the plane was going to land soon so I pushed him off the seat. And he popped his head up so confused. He looked so funny, I started to laugh so hard.

I told him to go back to his seat and he did this time. I put my seat back up into the regular way it should be.

I made myself comfortable and just went on my laptop and did some work. I had a paper to finish since I was just doing two years of college.

The captain said, "We are getting ready to land in Seoul now. Please take your seats and put on your seatbelts. And enjoy your time in Korea."

As the plane landed I looked out the window. I was now back in Korea. It was such a surreal feeling.

When it touched down everyone around me grabbed their stuff and walked off the plane. I didn't get up for a long time.

I just sat in my seat looking out the window. Miss Jung-ja called me to get up and I snapped out of my own thoughts.

I grabbed my bag and gathered the stuff I took out of it. Then I got off the plane.

I met up with Jaemin at the bag pick up.

"Hey Jaemin!" I said running up to him.

I hugged him.

"What do you plan on doing now?" I asked him.

"I don't actually start yet. My first day is supposed to be in like two days." He said.

"Oh really? Why?" I asked.

"I wanted to come to Korea a couple days early. You know have some time off here before I start working." He answered.

"The event is tomorrow, do you want to come with me?" I asked him.

"Sure, I really have nothing to do the next two days." He said.

I got so excited that he was coming with me. I hugged him in excitement. I didn't want to have no one to talk too when I go there. Miss Jung-ja will mostly likely talk to the other artists. With Jaemin there I won't feel so alone.

So all we did was wait for our bags, and I told him the details of the event. I told him about the attire, what it was about, and the time and place of the event.

When we got all of our bags, we headed out of the airport and waited for the car to pick us up. Jaemin took a taxi to his place since he bought one in advance.

Me and everyone else was going to stay in a hotel. We weren't staying here permanently, just for the next week.

We got to the hotel and they gave us the keys to our rooms. No one was sharing a room. All of our rooms was on the same floor.

I found my room, it was next to Miss Jung-ja's room. I opened my room and saw that it was one of those big suite room.

I immediately turned to Miss Jung-ja and said, "No this is too much. I can't except this."

I was so embarrassed about her giving me a big room. I'm not used to this type of stuff. This luxurious lifestyle.

"Hey just take it. I paid for it. You don't want me to waste money right?" She said to me and she entered her room.

I nodded my head in her direction and slowly walked in to my room. My mouth was wide open while I looked around the room.

It felt it was bigger than my room and Jaemin's room combined. I set my stuff down next to the king sized bed and opened up the curtains.

The whole wall was huge windows that looked onto the beautiful city of Seoul. I looked at the beautiful view in awe.

I could never get this type of view in London. It was just beautiful.

I jumped onto the bed and it felt so soft. I just laid there and just thought. Like wow. I'm living in this right now.

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