chapter 25

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I gave another lady my ticket and she brought me to my seat. I put my carry on bag in a compartment and sat down.

I looked at the blanket and other comfort items they had and someone asked me a question.

"Ma'dam, would you like some champagne?" A flight attendant asked me.

"Oh sorry I don't drink." I said politely.

He then moved on to the next seat. Then the captain made an announcement.

"Hello everyone. We are taking off in a couple minutes so if everyone could please start taking their seats. And uh... I hope you enjoy you're flight." The captain said.

I buckled my seat belt and put on my headphones. The plane was taking off and I started to think hard.

I thought about how I was actually going back to Korea. Two years ago I wanted to leave and so I did. I told myself that I will never go back there, but here I am. Going back to Korea.

As we were taking off, I fell asleep. But about two hours later I woke up and texted Jaemin to come to my seat.

He immediately came right when I texted him.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked him.

"My seat is right behind the door." He said.

He then sat down on top of me. I pushed him off me and he started to hit me. We play fought and one of the flight attendants told us to stop.

We talked for like an hour and we ate together. He played with all the gadgets in my business class seat and I just laughed. Jaemin acted all fascinated about all of it. I thought it was too funny.

After a long time talking and playing around I started to get tired. So I laid my chair down to a bed and put it together. I told Jaemin to go back to his seat.

Instead he just jumped onto my seat bed and I rolled my eyes. I laid down next to him and we fell asleep together.

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