chapter 4

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I locked the door and stared at myself in the mirror. I asked myself...

What is this feeling? Why are you feeling it? I'm happy for him. I'm happy for him. Aren't I?

I asked myself these things. I was so confused why I felt these things. Maybe because I was afraid of loosing him. Like everyone else in my life.

"Hey! What's taking you so long?" Hyunjin yelled.

I didn't notice how long I was spending in the bathroom.

"I'm almost done." I said fixing myself and headed out.

"So tell me more about this Hwayoung girl." I said trying to sound intrigued.

"Well, it's just that the one time I talked to her. She felt like the. the." He stuttered.

"Like the one." I said.

And he nodded. I jumped and freaked out. It was so cheesy. A little too cheesy.

"Well then what are you going to do know?" I asked.

"Are you dumb? I asked you for advice about that like 2 days ago." He said and hit me again on the arm.

"Hey! I forgot." I said and slapped his arm back.

And again we were play fighting again.

"Well, like seriously. You really like this girl?" I exclaimed.

"I have a big feeling about her." He said with some real meaning. I could totally tell.

"If you want to get to know her more, just talk to her. Your not gonna get anywhere if your just going to sit back and wait for her. She is not waiting for you." I said.

"Well how do you know that?" He said with sass.

"Because trust me. No girl starts the conversation. They wait for the guy." I said.

"But don't be like weird about it. Just be natural. Like hi I'm Hyunjin. I'm guessing your new here. And then tell her things about the school." I said. I wanted to give him true advice, I really wanted him to be happy.

"Are you sure?" Hyunjin asked.

"Are you really questioning my advice skills!" I said then I started smacking his butt.

We then chased each other all around the house just smacking each other. I loved our friendship I wouldn't exchange it for anything.

"Hey! I have to head home. My grandma made soup and I have to go eat it before it gets cold. Make sure not to be late again." I said, grabbed my stuff and left his house.

I ran in and greeted my grandmother. She wasn't my real grandmother, she was the nanny that took care of me when my second mother was still around. And she still takes care of me.

She made gamjaguk (potato soup). It was my favorite. I've been eating since I had teeth. My biological parents made this a lot and I still eat it a lot today.

I talked about school to my grandmother and told her about my duties as class president. She was always so fascinated even if I have to tell her everyday. She forgets. She has Alzheimer's disease. It isn't super bad currently since she's only loosing the memory of what she did 1 or 2 days before.

Again my life isn't perfect. But I wouldn't change if for anything.

I enjoyed my gamjaguk and then headed upstairs. I had a hot, long shower and went to rest really quickly.

While laying in bed, I just thought about what was I feeling back when Hyunjin was talking about Hwayoung. Still, I didn't know what it was. I still don't know why I felt it.

A/N: btw I'm sorry that this chapter is kind of a little short and also sorry that most of my Hyunjin photos are rude (you'll see it through the chapters) but don't blame me

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