chapter 29

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*Hyunjin's POV*

Hwayoung walked in with two coffee's in her hands. I clapped as she set them down.

"Hey, I saw Ha Yoon downstairs." She said as she sat down.

I choked on my coffee and started to cough. She WAS back in Korea.

"What? Are you okay?" She asked me worriedly.

"Yeah I am. Just asking, is she here with anyone?" I asked her.

"Yeah. She's with some dude. She said he's "just a friend" but to be honest I don't believe it." She said to me.

*end of Hyunjin's POV*

Me and Jaemin left the cafe after we finished eating. I said goodbye to him and gave him a hug. I told him to meet me at my hotel at a certain time for the event.

Then I caught a bus back to the hotel.

I got back to my room and took a nice, warm bath. I thought about what Hwayoung said.

And we are very happy.

I was glad that he was happy. But I was kind of disappointed that I wasn't the reason why he was happy because of that promise.

Wait, Why am I thinking about things in the past? That promise was broken and nothing can change it now.

I smacked myself in the leg and got up. I went into the bathroom and did my nightly routine.

After that I looked outside at the view.

Tomorrow was a great day for me.
Tomorrow I had a once a lifetime opportunity.

I had that huge art festival. And I was going to be under the name Lee Jung-ja.

Wow what a dream I'm living.

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