chapter 21

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*magical time skip*

I woke up that morning of the day that marked two years since I left Korea.

Over this time I quit my job at that retail store. I started to work full time as an apprentice of Lee Jung-ja.

Also a couple days before Jaemin told me that he was going back to Korea. Permanently. He was going to debut into a boy group called NCT.

In about a week he was going to leave London and me. Over these past two years he really became my best friend. He helped me through the rough times.

Like when I quit my job at the retail store. He encouraged me to work full time with Miss Jung-ja.

He also always helped put the smile back on my face.

Today I went to work with Miss Jung-ja. The night before she sent me a text telling me that she had something important to tell me.

So I walked into her studio and greeted her.

"Oh, Ha Yoon. Thanks for coming into work today. I have some important news." She said to me.

"I'm heading to Korea in a week for a art festival." Miss Jung-ja said.

"Oh so do I have to keep the studio clean while you're gone." I guessed.

"No. I'm asking you to come with me back to Korea. They told me I can bring an apprentice. I thought that this would be a great way for you to gain more experience." She said happily.

My heart stopped. Going back to Korea. That idea made me feel sick.

"Oh. It's okay if you don't want to come." She said. Miss Jung-ja put her head down and walked away.

I pushed out the thought of him. All I thought about was about the opportunity and Miss Jung-ja's feelings. Then I decided.

"Wait, Miss Jung-ja. I'll go with you. I'll go back to Korea with you." I said to her.

She started to jump happily and thanked me. And then she pulled me into a hug and told me that I could be off work until they left for Korea.

So I left the studio and stopped outside the door. After just thinking about the opportunity, a new thought came into my head.

That Hyunjin was back in Korea.

But I thought about the positive.

How would I see him at an art festival? He won't come to an art festival. I had nothing to worry about.


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