chapter 17

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I put my carry on in the overhead compartment. And then I sat down in my seat. I looked at who I was sitting next to. It was Na Jaemin.

"Hey, aren't you Jaemin? We met a couple days ago." I said.

"Oh yeah! You're heading to London too? Permanently or is it just for vacation." He asked me.

"Oh well. I plan on staying for maybe a couple months to like three years." I laughed.

"Oh really. I am too." He said.

"Well, I'm so tired. I'm going to try and get some sleep, goodnight." I said to him.

I fell asleep right away. I think I slept for about 5 hours. When I woke, I saw that I had my head on Jaemin's shoulder. I got so surprised that I made him notice that I was awake.

"Sorry if I waked you up." He apologized.

"No it's okay. Why didn't you wake me up? I started to sleep on you." I said embarrassed.

"You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you up." He also said embarrassed.

I then plugged my headphones into the indoor television on the seat in front of me. I searched for a movie to watch. I binge watching a couple of Rich Man, Poor Woman. That's one of my favorite dramas.

The flight went smoothly and before I knew it we were about to land in London, England.

"Where are you headed after this?" Jaemin asked me.

"Well I'm probably going to grab a bite to eat. Want to join me?" I told him.

"Sure because I really don't know what I will do." He said.

We buckled our seatbelts and prepared to land. It was a nice smooth landing, and everyone got up and took out all there bags from the compartments.

Me and Jaemin got off the plane together, and went through check out together too. We got a taxi and I brought Jaemin to one of my grandmother's favorite restaurants.

She recommended all the places to me. It wasn't too far away from the airport so it was a pretty fast drive.

We arrived at this restaurant and we got a table. It was a really small restaurant, like it was only an attraction locals went to.

We ordered some authentic english foods. And it was delicious. It was the afternoon so after lunch I brought him to my apartment.

My grandmother provided an apartment for me, so I was going to stay here for as long as I wanted.

Jaemin being here helped. It didn't feel like I was all alone. It felt like I was living in London with a friend. I truly believe our friendship is real this time.

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