chapter 13

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Someone rang my doorbell early in the morning. Well not really early, it was 10:30.
You opened the door and a dude in a suit stood there with a suitcase.

"Hello. I'm Lee Kyungsook. I'm your grandmother's lawyer." He said. So I invited him in.

"So what are you here to talk about?" I asked him.

"Well. First I don't know if you know but your grandmother has a lot of money." He said.

I was so surprised. She never spoke of her being wealthy. She worked day and night before to support me. But she was wealthy this whole time.

"She gave 100% of her will to you. She's also selling this house and wants you to go to London. She wants you to go there and figure out yourself." He said giving me a contract.

I signed it willingly. I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. Get away from all my pain.

He gave me flight information and I immediately started to pack. I was planned to leave Korea the next day. I threw away the things I didn't need and packed all my needs.

I was going threw my memory drawer in my desk. When I opened it there was picture of me and Hyunjin when we graduated middle school. And all the memories kept flowing back in.


"Guys get closer." My grandmother said. And so we did.

"Ok 1,2,3!" She flashed a picture, "Wow so amazing!" She said it in English.

Me and Hyunjin just laughed at each other. I gave him a look and he knew exactly what I wanted to do.

I then yelled with him, "1,2,3! HIGH SCHOOL! FIGHTING HAEDWAE!"

I always dreamed doing that with him every time we passed a different school. In elementary we went MIDDLE SCHOOL! FIGHTING HAEDWAE!

So I hope in high school we go LIFE! FIGHTING HAEDWAE!

*end of flashback*

But it never happened.

I threw away the photo. I wanted to leave behind all my pain. And Hyunjin was one of those things.

So I walked downstairs with all my stuff. It was two full large suitcases.

I was way too excited to leave, I didn't know how to pass the time.

So I decided to go to one of my favorite cafes. It was a cafe that me and Hyunjin would go to every weekend.

You probably think, why are you going there? It's because my grandmother told me so. She told me not to change for anything or anyone.

So I'm not going to stop going to this cafe just because it has memories of Hyunjin.

I walked up to the door and when I walked in I saw Hwayoung. On a date with Hyunjin.

I kept eye contact away from them, and just hoped that they never see me.

I went to the counter, and ordered my usual order. I ordered a iced americano and a blueberry lemon scone.

My order came out and I grabbed it. I sat a table as far away from them as I could.

When I sat down, I started taking pictures of my food because that's what I do.

I really couldn't take it. I could just feel there presence. And it wasn't nice. I just wanted to run to him. But I can't. I let him go.

Things like this, is what breaks me. Having to act like strangers now.

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