chapter 2

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I knocked on Hyunjin's door that warm spring day. We had school that day and we were about to be late. Usually, Hyunjin is always knocking on my door. I over sleep a lot.

"Hyunjin-ah!! Come out! We have school today. Let's Go!" I screamed towards his bedroom window.

He then walked out and apologized for being so late. We then walked to school, and of course I just had to bother him.

"So, about the girl you were talking about yesterday-" I said.

"Can we just not." He said cutting me off.

He didn't look like he was okay. He wasn't like his happy self. I was worried. Had something happened? I didn't know. Usually he would tell me everything.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine it's just that..." he said.

"What? Did something bad happened?" I asked worried.

"It's just that I couldn't put on nice shoes today. I didn't have time to pick out my good ones. So today I have to wear these old things." He said with sarcasm.

"Hey," I said and I hit him on the arm, "Don't play with me like that. I was actually worried that something bad happened."

He laughed.

We always teased each other. But I was always the one being teased. This was one of the things I loved about our friendship.

I ran to school. And Hyunjin had to chase after me. I loved school. It was the only place I really felt like I belonged. I was class president and everyone knew my name. To be honest this was my school.

I ran up to homeroom hoping that I wasn't late. My goal was to have perfect attendance for the last semester. That was the one thing people had over me. Perfect attendance.

"Hey! Stop running so fast. These shoes aren't my running shoes!" Hyunjin screamed to me.

"Well too bad for you?" I yelled back, still running up the stairs.

I made it up and homeroom had not ended yet. So I was relived. I guess I was an over achiever in things like extra curricular activities. But surprisingly my grades are pretty mediocre. I usually get B's and A's. I rarely get A+'s.

During homeroom I kept on pushing Hyunjin on telling me who the girl he wanted to know more about was.

"Hyunjin-ah. Please tell me who she is. Just at least tell me a hint." I begged and even did a little aegyo.

"Nope. If I told you anything, it would be too obvious." He laughed.

"Aigoo. Just is she in this school?" I asked. Which after asking, I realized that it was a stupid question.

"I don't know. Is she in this school?" He answered.

"Stop!" I yelled.

Then I hit him. And he hit me back. While hitting each other, the teacher told us to stop and so we did.

The bell rang and we didn't have the first class together, so I said bye to him. I sat in my English class since Hyunjin had Math.

Then in the middle of class a girl was tapping my shoulder. She looked new to me. I've never seen her before.

"Hey. I just wanted to ask. Are you and Hwang Hyunjin dating?" She asked.

"You really think so! Of course not we are just best friends." I laughed.

"That's good to know." She said under her breath.

"Why? Are you the girl-" I stopped yourself. She's new. I didn't want to scare her by asking her if she knew him. Maybe she just thought he was cute. I shouldn't take things to fast with my obsession with Hyunjin's mystery girl.

Then I just got back to doing my work.

The next class I did have with Hyunjin. I had to ask him if the girl he had his eyes on was new. So that's what I did.

"Hey. The girl. Is she new?" I asked.

"Oh! How did you know?" He said surprised.

I jumped out of my seat and screamed.

"Hehe! I think I know who it is!" I said. And I started dancing in my chair. And Hyunjin asked me to clam down, I could feel he was embarrassed about me.

"We'll talk about it more later. Okay? Just calm down." He said looking around, so embarrassed.

"Ok promise you'll tell me her name okay?" I said sticking out my pinky.

"Ok. Promise" he said and we locked fingers.

We got through the full day. I was so excited to finally learn about this mystery girl. Well not so mystery at all now. She was in your English class.

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