chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning hearing a very loud bang. Opening my eyes slowly, I looked at the clock and noticed that I was even later then the day before. I immediately felt super energized and jumped out of my bed.

While rushing, my grandmother was yelling, "Ha Yoon-ssi! Hyunjin is here. Are you almost ready?"

I started to freak out. Hyunjin was already outside, waiting for me. When I got out the door, he wasn't there.

He was already walking towards the school with someone else. I didn't know who it was at first, until she turned to face towards him.

It was the girl. Jeon Hwayoung.

For some reason I felt a sharp pain in my heart. But my mind told to brush it off, I was happy. He finally talked to the girl he wanted.

I ran up to him and hit the back of his head.

"Hey, Hyunjin-ah! I see your talking to the girl." I said pushing him into her.

Hwayoung looked away, I guess she was blushing. But when she gave Hyunjin a smile. She gave me this look. It was a cold one. Like every time she looked at me, she wanted to tell me something. And it wasn't something nice.

Like a look to stay away.

But of course I couldn't do that. And I hoped she got that straight.

I'm not stealing Hyunjin away from her. If anything I'm the only with a right to say or suggest something like that. But I don't. We have different relationships with him.

Hwayoung is his crush. I'm his best friend. And it should stay that way.

She started to piss me off a bit though. I wanted to hit her but I couldn't. So instead I hit Hyunjin and he chased after me. We all ran into class and started the school day.

That day I had English last period, with Hwayoung. The teacher was changing seats and somehow I now have to sit next to her. Of course we did our work because that's what students like us do.

But during the end of class she asked me a question.

"Are you sure there is absolutely nothing going on between you and Hyunjin. You look like you two are more than just friends." She said giving me a jealous look.

"I promise you. We are just best friends. We don't have benefits." I said.

"Good. But for both our peace of mind stay away from him." She said smiling.

The bell rang signaling the end of the day. I'm not fulfilling her request though. I'm not staying away from my best friends because of the girl who likes him.

She's lucky that Hyunjin was not in that class. If he was, he would probably set her straight.

Since I already had all my stuff to head home, I went to go see Hyunjin at his locker. While walking to him, Hwayoung stopped me.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked.

"I'm going to see Hyunjin. We walk home together everyday." I said trying to push her aside.

"Well, I don't think so. I'm here now, so you can stop this routine you two have." She said.

Then she flipped her dry hair in my face and walked towards Hyunjin.

*Hyunjin's POV*

I felt a hand touch my arm. I turned around expecting it to be Ha Yoon but it wasn't. It was Hwayoung.

"Hey want to walk home together." She said in a sweet voice.

"Sure but we have to wait for Ha Yoon. We walk together everyday." I said looking around for her. But she was nowhere to be found.

"Oh well she told me that she wanted to go home alone. For some reason she is mad at you. She doesn't want to talk." She answered.

I was so surprised hearing that. It didn't seem like something Ha Yoon would say. I don't even know what I did to make her mad. But I had to go because Hwayoung was pushing me to leave.

*end of Hyunjin's POV*

And I had to watch it all. Her lie to him about me and I couldn't do anything.

But then someone bumped into me.

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