chapter 10

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(A/N: The conversations in this chapter are going to be written in a lazy form bc I'm lazy)

Hyunjin: What was that back there?

Ha Yoon: What do you mean?

Hyunjin: The speech. Is there something wrong?

Ha Yoon: Is there something wrong? Do you really have to ask that question. Wow you're really dumb aren't you?

I shook my arm out of his hand and walked away. I could hear him chasing after me. Instead I just got on a random bus that was there and went wherever the bus was taking me.

I really didn't want to talk to him. Let's hope that we won't see each other again. It hurts too much to know that he no longer needs me. I no longer make him happy.

I was riding that bus now for over an hour. They reached the last stop and the bus driver asked me where I was going. I told him that I didn't know, and he brought me home.

I got off the bus and right in front of my door was Hwang Hyunjin. I tried to walk around to the back door but he caught me. I instead just walked towards the front door and opened it with my keys.

As I opened the door, he shut it closed.

Hyunjin: We still have a lot to talk about.

Ha Yoon: There really is nothing to talk about.

Hyunjin: Yes there is. Us.

Ha Yoon: Us? Really Us? Us ended a long time ago, stop living in the past.

I tried going inside but he stopped me again.

Hyunjin: What happened to us?

Ha Yoon: Is this seriously what you wanted to ask me? I think you've been living under a rock. And currently I don't want to talk to people like that.

I tried leaving again but he stopped me. Again.

Hyunjin: I'm serious, what happened?

Ha Yoon: What happened? Your stupid girlfriend happened. Happy! Now you know what happened.

Hyunjin: You don't have to be jealous of her. She's my girlfriend and your my best friend.

Ha Yoon: And I don't know that. But you know she replaced me. One day I'm gone and somehow I then became gone forever.

Hyunjin: What do you mean?

Ha Yoon: Is that what I am to you Hyunjin? A person that can be replaced by someone better.

Hyunjin: No. No one can replace my best friend.

Ha Yoon: Sure. But you know what hurt the most. Is that the only reason why I trusted people became the reason why I can't anymore.

Hyunjin: What trust?

Ha Yoon: And this is what I mean. You broke your promise. Our promise to always stay by each other's sides.

Hyunjin: Oh come on Ha Yoon. We aren't 7th graders anymore. Promises are non relevant.

Ha Yoon: So what am I?

Hyunjin: Your my best friend.

Ha Yoon: Am I Hyunjin? Then why are you telling me to my face that all our memories are non relevant. All my memories want the Hyunjin before. I can't look at you the same way anymore. So now with what I just said tell it to my face that I'm your best friend.

He didn't.

Ha Yoon: See! This is what I mean. Things changed. It changed because of one little thing. And that's what I realized. I knew that all these years were too good to be true.

I walked off the porch and started to walk down the street. And Hyunjin just had to chase after me.

Hyunjin: Ha Yoon!

Ha Yoon: What do you want now!

Hyunjin: I'm sorry.

Ha Yoon: No don't be sorry. I'm sorry that I'm no longer needed by you. Because that's what I was. I was a need for you to be happy and have fun for a time. It just took a long time for you to find a better replacement for me.

Hyunjin sat there in silence. Not a word left his mouth.

Ha Yoon: See. We've grown apart. And I can't change any of it. You know it too.

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