chapter 23

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It was now the day I had to leave London. We were leaving during the late afternoon. So I spent that morning packing up my stuff.

Miss Jung-ja told me we were staying in Korea for about a week and a half. So I packed a couple outfits for day and night. She also informed me that we will have stylists. So we didn't need to bring clothes for the event.

The art festival was a four day event. But Miss Jung-ja wanted to stay a little longer. She said that she missed Korea, so she wants to just spend some of her own time there.

And I guess I should too. Maybe go visit my grandmother's grave. I should go talk to her a little. About a week ago now, it marked two years since she had passed.

I haven't visited her grave even since. I've always been in London. And know I was going back to Korea after leaving two years ago.

I just planned to attend the event as the apprentice of Lee Jung-ja. And if she allows me to, I will visit my grandmother. And maybe Haeun. My sister.

I thought about all of this as I was packing.

"Hey! Don't forget anything! We're not coming back if you forget anything got it?" Jaemin yelled.

I nodded and double checked everything. I made sure that I had enough outfits for the whole trip. And I triple checked my carry on bag to make sure I wasn't missing my essentials.

I told him I was ready and brought all my bags to the front door. None of his bags were near the door.

So I yelled to him, "Jaemin-ah! You need to hurry up. Miss Jung-ja is going to be here soon!"

He came running down the stairs with all his bags and was panting.

"Are you okay?" I said teasingly patting his back.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He said.

And we just laughed at each other.

Just then our doorbell rang. I pushed the button to let them into the building. Our apartment was only on the second floor of the building. So the workers got to our door fairly quick.

They grabbed our bags and brought them into the elevator.

"I'll just grab my phone and headphones. I'll meet you guys downstairs." I said to the workers going down the elevator.

So I grabbed my stuff off the living room table and decided to go down the stairs. The stairs were right next to our apartment so it didn't take long for me to go downstairs.

I greeted everyone in the car and sat next to the window. I put my headphones on and listened to some nice ballad music.

I needed to calm down. Because the next couple of days are going to be a little chaotic. I can already guess.

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