chapter 14

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I finished up eating and immediately left the cafe. I got out and ran back home.

Having those two around just made me want to die. The man I love, loving another.

I couldn't bear watching it. It was just too hard on my mind and my heart.

Exhausted from running, I fell asleep on my couch. I just wanted to leave already. So I thought why not just sleep now.

I slept for a long time. It was now 5 pm. And I wanted to go out and have dinner. So I went to have some Samgyeopsal.

I didn't want to run into them again, so I went to one I don't usually go to. It was pretty far away from my house so I took the bus.

As I was on the bus, Hyunjin and Hwayoung got on too.

Why did I have to run into them all the time? So I just decided to get off the next stop and get whatever food was there.

I yelled to the driver that this was my stop and got off. I watched the bus go off with the two lovebirds Hwayoung and Hyunjin.

I also watched them tease each other. He tried taking her phone but she then hit him. They started to play fight. It reminded me of all the times when I did that with Hyunjin.

I really missed those days. I'm disappointed in myself. I'm disappointed that I still miss him.

There was no place to eat, so I just gave up. I caught the next bus that came and headed home.

My life was a mess. I tried so hard to forget the dream I was in with Hyunjin. I wanted to come to reality, the hard reality. But somehow I couldn't.

I was stuck in the happy moments because my moments now wanted him. They felt lost without him.

But I must learn to live without him. With him just being a memory.

I arrived at the stop near my house and got out. My stomach was growling. I was so hungry.

When I walked up to my doorstep, I saw a bag.
It didn't say anything, but I grabbed it anyways.

Inside was some bibimbap, mandu, and soup. Someone had got me food. Maybe they got the wrong house but I'm not complaining. Food is food and I was hungry.

I grabbed some chopsticks and started to dig in. It was already late at night so I turned on some nice music and enjoyed my meal.

*Hyunjin's POV*

I got on the bus and I saw Ha Yoon sitting there. I guessed she was going to eat, she usually ate at this time.

But she got off too early. I knew she was avoiding me. I got home early and made some food for her. My parents were on a business trip but they were coming back the next day.

I wanted to give food to Ha Yoon, but I wanted to do it anonymously. If she knew the food was from me, she won't eat it.

So I left it on her doorstep. I waited until she came home. I saw her pick it up and bring it inside her house.

I was happy she wasn't suspicious. But she that doesn't usually happen with food. She never gives up the opportunity for free food.

*end of Hyunjin's POV*

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