chapter 31

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As we were heading to the venue me and Jaemin were jamming to EXO, again. I really loved their music and I was really happy when I learned he liked them too.

I could never listen to EXO when I was with Hyun-. My thoughts stopped. I basically just told myself to stop.

I need to stop thinking about him. Just because I was in Korea again didn't mean that thinking about him was a regular thing now.

We got to the venue and we walked in to see that they were still hanging up some works of art. Both of us walked over to the part where Miss Jung-ja's art was being displayed.

I looked at her name on the pieces of art and walking down the wall I saw the last art piece. It had my name on it.

Lee Ha Yoon

It was the art piece I made about two years ago. I painted it when I first moved to London.

It was one of my first days working for Miss Jung-ja and she told me to just paint. And this is what I drew.

I was so shocked to see one of my works in this art festival. I told Jaemin and he told me that he was so proud. I got so embarrassed because he was getting so loud.

Miss Jung-ja then walked in and we both bowed to her.

"Why did you include my work in your section?" I asked her.

"I love the story you told through this. The question was not why is it included, it should be why could it not be included?" She said to me.

I was so surprised that she found my work to be pretty good. Well she would have thought it was more than "pretty good" if she was showcasing it in this festival.

The showcase was about to start so all the artists went to their posts and guests started to file in. You stood by your painting as you were informed to.

Miss Jung-ja talked with others and explained the paintings to them, and you overheard her talking about your work.

"So this one is actually by my apprentice. I've been working with her for about two years now and her work is truly amazing. Back then I wanted to quit art because it wasn't popular anymore. But she told me the reason why we should love art is just like how people love to read books. We like to read the story the writer tells, it entertains us. With art we use it to listen to the feelings of the artist." She said to the group that was looking at her section.

I smiled and bumped my elbow into Jaemin.

"Hey, you hear that. My work is truly amazing." I said to him and smiled.

"I know." Jaemin whispered back.

We laughed at each other.

"Want to check out the other works?" I asked him mainly because I didn't want to be alone.

"Sure I'm not doing anything else." He said.

*Hyunjin's POV*

We walked into the venue and many people had already arrived. Me and Hwayoung were walking around and admiring all the art work.

I came across this one artist, her name was Lee Jung-ja. I enjoyed the first piece I saw if hers and forced Hwayoung to look at her other works with me.

As I walked down the row of her art works, a person came up to me.

"Hello. I'm Lee Jung-ja." She said and held out her hand.

"You're the one who made all these. I really do love your work." I said shaking her hand back.

"Oh thank you. But it's not all mine. Here let me show you." She said and brought us to the end of the wall.

There stood a beautiful painting called "Nightmares". I looked at the name of the artist and it said-

Lee Ha Yoon.

"Is she here right now?" I asked without hesitation.

"Oh yes she is. She's actually over there." Miss Jung-ja said pointing to another part of venue.

I looked and saw her in a beautiful outfit. I saw her perfect smiling face but then someone walked up to her.

It was a guy and they hugged. They started to play fight and I smiled.

Who was this guy though?

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