chapter 11

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*Hyunjin's POV*

What she said. It hurt.

Hearing her say these things made me speechless. But it was the truth.

We grew apart. Because of Hwayoung. And we couldn't do anything about it. No matter what we did. We can't change the past.

*end of Hyunjin's POV*

Ha Yoon: Stop being surprised. I'm not that special anyways. Take a break, just go.

I couldn't hold my tears in anymore. I really wanted to tell him to total opposite.

Don't take a break, just stay with me. Don't run off. I need you.

But of course he didn't want to hear it. So I didn't tell him.

I bumped into him and headed back home. I slammed my door shut and immediately started crying.

I couldn't believe that I really let go of my best friend. I loved him with all my heart.

I now envied everyone who didn't love him. Because they don't have to go through this pain. This pain of letting go.

Maybe if I told him the whole truth. Just maybe I wouldn't be in this position.

These words were keeping me one step away from him.

But I wondered why the tears were flowing now? Why was I crying for something I did? Why was I crying because I didn't do something?

I looked at the door. I wanted to open it, and run to him. I couldn't take it anymore. Though something in me stopped myself.

Maybe the guilt of what I did.

*Hyunjin's POV*

She walked away. Saying to go. Take a break.

I never knew those types of words would come out of her mouth.

Ha Yoon knew that I never wanted to leave. But know she was telling me to.

I ran to her door. And put my hand over the handle.

Something stopped me.

Maybe I really didn't need her anymore.

I thought about what I had.

Hwayoung, my family. Maybe loosing her wouldn't be so bad.

*end of Hyunjin's POV*

I could here him come up to the door step. I stepped away from my door.

I was scared. Scared that I would go back. I needed to now protect myself.

I should start avoiding not getting hurt. I don't even want to trust my heart. I need to think more about my actions.

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