chapter 27

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I was checking out all the things to the hotel room for so long, I didn't notice that it was already time for dinner.

Miss Jung-ja told me to come eat with all the workers but I chose not to. I texted Jaemin to see if he was free. And he immediately replied that he was.

So I invited him out for dinner. I wanted to bring him to one of my favorite cafes. If you were a tourists you wouldn't know about it because it's kind of hidden in Seoul.

It was called Cafe Mula. It had some of the best tiramisu out there. I missed it so much and wanted to taste it again. So I thought why not bring Jaemin with me.

I told him the address and told him that when he got to the address just wait there.

I wanted to make sure I got there first since many people when they get there don't know where it is. So they just get lost somewhere else.

Thankfully I rushed out of the hotel in time to get there first. Jaemin got there a couple minutes and I greeted him.

"Jaemin-ah!" I screamed running over to him. And I hugged him.

*Hyunjin's POV*

I was walking around Seoul with Hwayoung. She wanted to take me to one of her favorite cafes.

It was called Cafe Mula or something. We were walking down the road to get there.

A man with brown hair was walking down the same street. And we heard a loud scream.

It was a girl running over to the dude. I caught a small glimpse of her face, and for some reason she looked really familiar.

She hugged the dude in front of us.

Just then the guy said, "Aigoo, Ha Yoon."

And my heart stopped. The girl started to pull the guy down the road and I stopped.

Did I just here that guy say Ha Yoon? Was she back in Korea.

But I thought that I probably just heard it wrong. And continued to walk.

*end of Hyunjin's POV*

I pulled Jaemin toward the cafe because he was walking too slow. I really wanted to eat quickly.

We walked into the cafe and went up to the counter. I ordered one matcha tiramisu. Jaemin looked at my confused.

But I took out my wallet and gave him the look saying I knew what I was doing. The tiramisu's are huge, I could barely finish one by myself.

I wanted to take him up to the last floor. On that floor they had an open deck where you could eat. But I saw a couple go up there and I didn't want to be up there with them.

So I brought him to the seat that I always sat at before.

"Did you eat at this cafe often before?" Jaemin asked me.

"Yeah, I did! I always ate here with-" I stopped myself.

I was going to say Hyunjin but I couldn't say that.

"With who?" He said to me. I guess he was curious who.

"Oh well, my uh... grandmother." I used my grandmother as a cover up.

He knew that before I left Korea, my grandmother had passed. So I think when I said her, he knew not to ask anymore questions.

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