chapter 33

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I left back to the hotel and went to my room. I went online and booked a flight back to London for tomorrow night.

I needed to leave, staying here wasn't doing me any good. I just planned to visit my grandmother tomorrow and leave that night.

Miss Jung-ja had texted me.

Miss Jung-ja: Why did you walk out?

Me: Sorry I couldn't stay. I have to leave and go back to London. I hope you respect my decision.

Miss Jung-ja: I do just we'll talk more in person.

Me: Ok.

I started to pack all my stuff. It was already pretty late into the day. I looked up at the clock and it was already 6:00 pm.

I was hungry so I headed down to the buffet and had dinner. When I came back from eating, I took a long bath.

This time I just collected all my thoughts from the past couple hours. I needed to calm down, I needed to stop being stressed.

When I finished my bath, Miss Jung-ja had knocked on my door. I let her in and we talked.

"Why do you need to leave?" She asked me.

"I'm not going to go into details but I'm not comfortable here. That's the reason why I left Korea and moved to London. I thought I could be okay just for a week or two but I was wrong." I said. I felt ashamed that I had to bring her all this trouble.

"Okay well I wish you could stay but your emotions. There not letting you be comfortable here and I understand." She said and gave me a hug.

I smiled and she left my room. That night I went to bed with a positive mind.

I woke up early because I also planned to go back to my old house. The house I lived in when I was in high school. I remember that I had forgot my grandmother's recipe book and wanted to take it back to London with me.

I got dressed and went to the hotel lobby. I hailed a cab and told him to go to the cemetery my grandmother was buried at.

*Hyunjin's POV*

I was waiting outside Ha Yoon's hotel to talk to her. But then she left in a cab. I went to follow her wherever she was going. We needed to talk.

*end of Hyunjin's POV*

I arrived at her burial place and I had brought her favorite flowers with me. Roses. She loved how they were beautiful but the thorns protected it. That's what she had told me.

I found her grave and talked to her.

"Grandmother. It's me. I know it had been a long time. I'm sorry I couldn't come before. I hope that you're proud of me." I said to her.

But then someone talked to me.

"Ha Yoon." A voice said.

I looked up and it was Hyunjin.

"What are you doing here?" I said and stood up.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Hyunjin, there's nothing to talk about. I'm trying to have a conversation with my grandmother. So can you please just go." I said and sat back down.

I gave her my flowers but Hyunjin interrupted again.

"We have a lot to talk about." He said.

"I have a flight back to London. I want to talk to my grandmother. I won't to talk to her again in a long time. Let me have this time and just go." I said turning back to her grave.

"You're leaving again?" He said.

I was getting frustrated. I got up and dusted the dirt off of me.

"Yes I am. And now I have to go back to my hotel. Thank you for wasting my time Hwang Hyunjin." I said and walked away.

"Wait." Hyunjin yelled to me. And I stopped.

"I'm sorry." He said.

I turned around and said, "Just stop."

"Don't go. Please just talk to me." He said.

I walked up to him.

"You want to talk right? Let's talk then." I said.

"Please forgive me. I'm sorry that I changed." He said.

"No stop. I don't want your sorry's. And you don't need my forgiveness. If that's all you wanted to say then I'm going to go." I said and turned around.

"I'll wait for you. If anything happens remember I'm always going to be here for you. No matter what happened I'm always going to be your best friend." He yelled to me.

"No your not. These past couple years we've been growing farther and farther apart. Don't think that with a sincere apology we'll go back to being like before." I exclaimed.

"I'm not leaving you. I don't want to let you go again. I don't want to make another mistake." He said to me.

"We let go of each other a long time ago Hyunjin." I said and finally walked away.

"Please don't let go again! Ha Yoon! I'm not leaving you." He yelled.

I just tried hailing a cab and perfectly, one immediately pulled up. I got into the car.

He tried opening the door but I immediately locked it.

"If you have to leave remember I'm here for you. I'm not giving up on you. Your perfect smile, don't loose it okay. I love you."

I could hear him scream that. I told the driver to just drive.

I looked back and saw Hyunjin just wait there on the side of the road.

I'm sorry Hyunjin. I no longer love you.

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