Eight: Phobias

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Dedicated to @__harrysbandana cause she's awesome , ya .


The door opened and there he stood, he gave me a small smile like there was nothing going on. "How did you got inside the room? I thought you were downstairs eating or something." I said, Jason only shrugged and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I had glanced inside and Harry was no longer there, or at least I didn't see him.

I took a step forward to try to open the door but Jason stopped me. "Let me in, I want to see him!" I raised my voice, Jason pulled me back. "For Gods sake!" A loud bang came from inside calling our attention, Jason quickly turned and opened the door nice and wide. I took a better view, the bed wasn't...a bed, his clothes were all over the floor, ripped, in pieces. I picked up a shirt that was destroyed but it still smelled like him. The walls had scratches, everything had scratches.

"You gotta be kidding." Jason said, I ran to where he was, I looked out the window with him, there were scratches down the wall, I gasped but Jason seemed to be used to this by now.

"What's going on? Where's Harry? "Why is this in pieces? We-" Jason cut me off and said the words I was about to say, but not exactly.

"I have to go look for him." He said walking past me. "Stay in your room and don't you dare come out. I'll be back soon." He pulled me by my arm and shut the door behind us.

"Wait what? I want to go, I can't just stay here like nothing's going on, cause there's a lot you guys are keeping from me and I can't keep on pretending I don't care because I DO!" While I was talking he had pulled me all the way to my room and had shut the door and locked it. "Jason! JASON! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! AHHH!" I shouted as I kicked and banged on the door.

It felt exactly like the first time I've been locked in here by Harry, just that this time I was willing to do anything to get out. I ran to the window to open it but it was stuck. "Shit." I ran back to the door and tried to force it to open, why did he do this.

I tried everything I could to open it, a pen, which didn't help, a silver butter knife, didn't help either. Everything I tried wasn't working, it like the door was under some kind of spell that kept it from opening. I kept trying and trying, I couldn't stay here when the boy I had....when Harry had ran away for reason. My frustration grew by the second, soon tears started rolling down my cheeks, I kicked the door, again and again.

"I gotta get out, I gotta get out." I fell to the floor, on my knees with my hands against the door. "I want to find him, I need to find him, I can't stay here without being able to know that he's okay and that he didn't runaway because he knows...." I couldn't keep it in, I had to let it out. "because he knows I'm falling, because he knows that I....I love him." I banged my fists against the door. "Dammit! DAMN THIS FEELING!" I shouted, I let out a sigh of frustration, I heard the lock of the door unlock, I manage to smile and stood up faster than I thought. Was this magic? Or the power of love?

I opened the door and ran down the hallway, I got to the living room and it was empty, the front door was shut, I ran to it and opened it, the cold wind hit my face, with the clothes I was wearing I would probably freeze out there. I had no jacket, or some sweater. I ran back up stairs and looked inside the room I had last seen Harry in. How I wish he was still here, how I wish I hadn't bothered him. Inside the almost destroyed closet there were some clothes left, I looked through it but couldn't find a thing. There was a small box on the floor, I got on my knees and opened it. I took out the black piece of leather, it was a leather jacket. It wasn't exactly my size but it wasn't that big. I just hope he doesn't get mad.

I had ran into the dark, it was a really dark night and the moon was hiding somewhere behind the clouds, and I guess the stars didn't dare come out without her because there were none in the sky, I was Nyctophobic. I didn't even know where I was going, I didn't even know where I was, how was I gonna find Harry if I was lost? The noises outside scared the crap out of me, I was scared of the dark since very little, but I always took the risk of doing dumb stuff at night. Every little noise made me think of the worst, I hated reptiles, if I saw one tonight I would probably die or go into a deep sleep and never wake up, which meant the same thing.  

I made a bad choice of coming out here without an adult, I had walked in circles I guess because I've spotted the same fallen tree for about 5 times now. I didn't even know what time it was, I just knew it was past midnight. I heard the most horrible sound I've always been scared of; the hissing of a snake, I was also Ophidiophobic. I shut my eyes close and fist my hands, I started shaking. "Holy mother of Jesus." I said as I could feel it right next to me. I opened my eyes and saw it right in front of me, it was enormous, I could swear it was an anaconda, just a smaller version but still.

It sent shivers up my spine, every single hair on the back of my neck stood up. I was shaking, like an earthquake was happening, I backed away slowly, I didn't want to make it mad. I stepped on a dead tree branch and I felt like it had made the loudest noise in the world. The snake thought that too because it approached me so fast that it bit down on my leg, I couldn't feel a thing. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath, I had lost it, I didn't feel the pain. I was gonna die, and just then and there, I came back, I felt the poison going through out my leg, I felt the pain, I tearing scream came out of me, I backed away, I tried to run but I couldn't feel my leg, just the pain, the poison of the snakes bite.

I got somewhere, I got nowhere, everything around me was turning, I fell to the ground and passed out. The last I remember was a howl and steps.

. . .

I woke up to the bite of the snake, that was gonna hunt me down all my life, I sat up on my bed breathing heavily. "Isa!" I heard his voice, was it another nightmare? "Thank goodness you're alright, I couldn't picture you not here, I don't know how I would make it without you." I could barely understand most of his words, the last sentence really meant a lot. He hugged me tight and kissed my temple.

"What...? I don't remember much..." I said as I stared at him, I tried to move but a pain on my leg made me regret it. "OW!"

"Careful, you kinda got bit by a snake this morning...it was my fault I'm sorry." He apologize. I looked at him, I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Harry, you don't have to blame yourself, it was my fault. If I hadn't gotten you mad, none of this would of happen." I said, he lowered his head, I grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze, he looked at me and smiled.

"I wasn't mad, I just...I have to tell you something...I'm not...I'm a..."

"Harry, you don't have to tell me anything, it's your life and I have no right to mess it up." I didn't want to loose him.

"But I need to..." He started but I shook my head in denial.

"No, Harry please, don't tell me." I said, he mouthed an okay and stood up, he walked towards the door and opened it. "Harry," I said and he turned around. "Thank you." He smiled, nodding and walked out of the room. I could tell he was disapointed, he really wanted to tell me something, but I didn't want anything to get between us, I didn't want to ruin whatever we had.


I tried to make this the longest I could, idk . BIG THANKS to y'all who commented and voted on my last chapter I LOVE Y'ALL !

Okay so the part about the snake , I swear it took me ages to write cause I was shaking, I dislike snakes and this made me feel just like Isabella felt . I have a bad history with snakes , but whatever that's a story for another day .


also school is just 1 day away , not sure if I'll be posting at all cause I'll be starting HS , I'mma be a freshmen ! I can't take it , I start the 25th and I forgot how to write with a pencil or pen , no kidding . Just kidding , not really , but I really love all of y'all so I'm try to post when I come back from work / school .



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