Fourteen: "He has no feelings"

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FUCK I HAD TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER 3 TIMES WITH THIS ONE. The first one I didn't like it, the second time I forgot to save it and fuck it was a good chapter. I hope this one is good enough. Okay bye.


I had gone to bed earlier but I couldn't fall asleep. The sound of the night was so peaceful and the darkness was calmed. I was starting to fall asleep when I heard steps.

"Harry?" I asked as I sat up. I saw a shadow and then a big hand was around my mouth with some type of cloth.

"Not tonight, honey." He said. Everything faded and I was gone.

* * *

The room was dark, I couldn't see a thing. I tried to move but my wrists and ankles were tied to a chair. My mouth was covered by cloth and I couldn't scream nor close my mouth. My heart was beating at a million beats per second, I could feel the hairs on my neck standing up, like I could sense danger.

I wasn't wrong. I could hear footsteps somewhere near. I heard the door unlock a glimpse of light came through, not enough for me to make anything out.

"Well, well, well, look who's awake." I heard a voice in the dark. I felt a hand on my knee and it was going up my lap. "Wouldn't you love to know all the things I could do to you right now?" He asked. The whole room lit up and I had to close my eyes to adapt to it. He jumped off me and when I opened my eyes again he was 5 feet away.

"Jerry!" I heard a girls voice. I looked her direction and it was the same girl I had received at the house.

"Why you always gotta ruin my good moments?" The guy asked. He had blond curly hair and he was really pale. The girl shot him a glare. She got close to me and took the cloth out of my mouth.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I asked her. She smirked at me.

"Your worst nightmare." She answered. "And you're here because you need to know who you're dealing with."

"What do you mean?" I asked her. She turned around to face the guy, gave one step and turned back around to face me.

"You're so innocent, so dumb." She said with a laugh. "Do you know what Harry is?" She asked, I didn't answer, instead I looked down at the ground. "He's a beast, right? You might know that by now because of his little incidents. Such an ugly beast, capable of such insane shit."

"He's not a beast!" I shouted. She laughed and walked in circles around me.

"I can't agree with you. If he weren't a beast he wouldn't of killed-oh wait." She paused and looked at me. "You don't know this, he didn't tell you, he's such a coward, he hid from you his deepest secret. The darkest one."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Tisk - tisk. He wouldn't want me to tell his innocent little girl that dark deep secret." She whispered and laughed ironically. "But I'm gonna tell you anyways. You see long long ago. When he was an ugly beast-nevermind he still is one, he's so bad at hiding it. Anyways, long, long ago he used to have a sister. That sister was with him at the wrong time, in the wrong place. It was around sunset when that happened." She said, she looked at me directly on the eye and stepped even closer.

"Get to the point!" I heard the guy on the back shout in annoyance.

"He couldn't control himself, he can never control himself. He turned into a beast, looked at his sister, she was the pray, believe me. He grabbed her by the neck, threw her against the wall and cut her throat open." She whispered so close to my face. "She bled herself to death. And what did he do? He watched her die in his arms, he didn't even flinch. Why? Because he has no feelings."

"He has feelings. He lo-" I cut myself off. She laughed, throwing her head back. She stepped back and spoke.

"He, he, he loves me. Oh my god, the beast loves me." She exclaimed in a pitch voice. "He has no feelings, he doesn't love, he will kill anything on his way, that's what he does best." She said slowly.

"That's not true." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. "If it were I'd be dead by now."

"He manipulates you, then he attacks. He's a beast, he can't control himself. When he turns violent there's no stopping. He will claw you and you'll bleed yourself to death just like his sister. " She said with a smirk. "You'll die just like her, and he will just watch you like he never even knew you."

"STOP!" I screamed. "YOU'RE MAKING THIS UP BECAUSE YOU'RE A JEALOUS LITTLE BITCH!" I screamed again, she laughed on top of me scratching me across the face, I could feel the trail of blood running down my cheek.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" SHE screamed back, she walked away and turned back to look at me. "You think you know him because he hasn't shown you what he's capable of. But you won't have to see that, I'll save him the effort by killing you myself." She towards the door and opened it. "Jerry, let's go." She said and Jerry hesitated. But he followed behind. They shut the door behind them.

Where was Harry when I needed him, where?

A trailed of tears left my eyes and the lights in the room went off, I was alone in the dark again. The fear of not having Harry here with me was killing me slowly. Did he know I was gone? Was all she said true? Did he reall-no. He wouldn't.

"He has no feelings, he doesn't love, he will kill anything on his way, that's what he does best."

Her words played over and over in my head.


Hope you liked it. Will update soon I hope. Happy new years (late) and school is one day away, kill me.

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