Fifteen: Showtime

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Aww thanks, 6+K reads. I love you all, never thought this book would get more than 100 reads tbh lol. ily


"Wake up sleepy head." I heard his sweet voice next to me. "Wake up. You've been asleep for so long now." I opened my eyes, he was on top of me, he was smiling widely at me, deep dimples on his cheeks.

"Harry, I love you." I whispered, a tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it off with his lips, kissing the wet trail.

"I love you more, and I will never let you go." He said, he got off the bed and I looked at him in confusion.

"Harry...where are you going?" I asked him, he smiled as he faded away.

"I will always be with you, wherever you are." He disapeared.

"Harry!" I shouted.

"Calm down! God." I heard the guy from last time speak. I opened my eyes and saw him, Jerry, standing in the corner peeling an orange with a small knife. "Why can't you forget Harry?" He asked a little annoyed.

I looked at him confused, he went on.

"Harry isn't that good looking you know?" He said as he started eating the orange. "On the other hand there's me. I'm the full package you see. I have beautiful hair, a perfect face, and the abs, oh god you can't even, and my dick is so-" I cut him off before he could go on.

"Why don't you date yourself? You seem to be head over heels for yourself." I said with annoyance.

"You are such a bitch sometimes, and I like that." He  said with a smirk.  The door opened and that girl walked in.

"Time for the show." She spoke running her hands together. "Bring her to the stage." She said and walked away. Jerry walked to me putting the knife on his back pocket and started untying the knots on my ankles, the he moved to my waist, my shoulders and finally my wrists.

"Let's go." He spoke as he grabbed me by the arm and pushed me towards the door. This was the first time I saw the outside of this room. This was my only opportunity to escape. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was just finishing the last orange slice.

I elbowed him on the gut, stepped on his foot and made a run for it. I heard him scream but I didn't turn the around, I was so close to the exit. I felt him pull me by my hair and pushed me to the floor. My mouth hit the old cement floor pretty hard. I could taste of my blood in my mouth, my nose seemed to be bleeding too.

"You little bitch. And to think I was starting to like you."

"I could say the same about you." I whispered. He pulled me by the arm again and tied my wrists again. He pushed me down the hallway into another room. It was a bigger room. An auditorium. Most of the seats were destroyed and old, there was only on good seat all the way at the front.

He walked me to it and sat me down, he tied my ankles to the chair, my waist, my shoulders and my wrists.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The girl spoked. She came out of nowhere wearing a black dress, with a long tail. "Today is a very special show. Starring a very special gest. But let's not keep you waiting, let the show start." It was like she was talking to whole audience. But it was just me and Jerry there. Who was she talking about?

A special gest?


Okay so just a small update. I'll be editing some of the other chapters during the weekend. Thanks to y'all for reading !

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