Four: Butterfly

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I love y'all !


(Isabella's POV)

I woke up and found myself on a bed, the rays of light coming through the curtains must of waken me up. I sat up and yawned as I stretched myself. I looked around and noticed it was the same room I've been in before. At the end of the bed there was a dress, it was white and it had a brown belt around its waist, a pair of combat boots were on top of it.

I grabbed the clothes on the bed and took a look at them. The dress had flower designs all over it, the dress was just beautiful.


After taking a quick shower I headed down stairs, not quite sure if that was a good decision. Last night something happened but I couldn't remember everything, I just had small fragments playing over and over in my head. I've seen a beast, and I was sure I didn't dreamt that.

I entered the kitchen and found the old man cleaning up the leftovers of someone. "Good morning, Young Lady." He greeted me, he pointed at a plate on the table. It had bacon and eggs with toast on the side. "Your breakfast." He said, pulling the chair for me to sit. I sat awkwardly and slowly on the chair.

"Um...what happened last night?" I asked not trying to feel any more awkward. The old man had turned his bak on me and was washing the dishes.

"What do you mean? Nothing happened last night. You slip down the stairs, hitting your head pretty hard on the floor." He said, he didn't sound unsure or nervous. "I helped you up stairs, and you fell in a deep sleep." He finished, he wiped his hands on the towel and started walking to the big living room. I didn't believe the words he had said but I let it go.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, I stood up and followed behind him. He turned around and looked at me.

"I'll be going to the market, I need some stuff." He said and grabbed the keys that were place on the center table. "You can go around the house and explore." Just don't go in that hallway," he said pointing to one of the hallways upstairs, I remember being there before. "It's quite dangerous, there's a broken door, I still have to fix that." He said talking mostly to himself. "Serve yourself with anything."

Those were the last words he spoke before going out the door and driving off. I looked around, I wasn't that interesting on going to check out the hallway he said not to go in, but it caught my attention. I'll just leave it for later.

"Let's get this tour started." I said to myself, I looked for the back door for a while, when I finally found it I went outside. I had to admit it was beautiful, it had a big white wood fence. I remembered it from the day I got here. But that day the gate was open now it was closed and locked. The trees were still visible.

I kept on looking and found a line of flowers, roses, plants and anything that was green and beautiful. A path was in between all of the plants. It made it look glorious, the couple of small trees that stood on its side made the rays of sun barely shine through for the plants. Some of the plants hadn't bloom yet, they would probably die cause the sun couldn't reach them.

It reminded me of sadness, once you're left behind, you're forgotten, you can't be saved from loneliness, you die alone.

"You're my planning on going in there are you?" I heard a cold voice speak behind me, interrupting my thoughts, it sounded quite familiar. The coldness on his tone sent shivers down my spine. I turned around to face the curly hair boy that had locked me in the room last time.

"I was, now I'm not." I said as I placed my arms behind my back. Now realising how close he was to me, his eyes were green, but under the sunlight they looked sparkling. His face looked cold and his expression never changed. The space between us was too small. Our body's almost touching, I could feel the warmth from his body, but never touching.

"Good." He said as he walked past me, touching his shoulder on mine slightly. He never turned around nor made a move that told me he was hesitating on turning back and looking at me. I felt a bit hurt but I had the curiosity inside of me, I wanted to know what was at the end of this path. So, being me I followed him.

The path was even more beautiful when I was walking on it. The rays from the shining through the branches made it a warm. But it was fresh and the smell of the roses made it feel like heaven. Before I could keep on traveling with my mind I had bumped into something hard making me stumble back. I realised it was the curly hair guys back.

"Well, I don't like liars." He said never turning around, it was like he already knew I would follow behind him. "Liar, liar, liar. Tic-tic-tic." He said, before he started walking again.

"I'm not a liar." I said, following behind him. The walk through the path seemed endless which made it more peaceful.

"Yes, sure." He said before speaking again. "I was, now I'm not." He said mocking me, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. If he was looking at me I've be red like a tomato.

"Well, I changed my mind." I said as I bumped into him again. He had stopped walking. I was about to speak again in protest but I then looked around. We had come to an end. There was a bench in the middle, with a circle of flowers surrounding it. Butterfly's flew around it, the singing of birds was audible.

"Whatever." He said as he sat down on the bench. I followed behind, I was about to sit next to him but he sent me a look. "You're staying?" He asked and I nodded. "You are quite an annoying...thing." He spoke, looking away from me he closed his eyes, letting his head fall back, like he was staring at the sky but with his eyes closed. He ha crosse his arms over his chest, ignoring me completely.

I sat down still staring at him. "You should stop the staring, that'll be nice." He spoke still not looking at me. I felt embarrassed and looked away. I sighed and looked to the rest of the path in front of me, it kept on going, it was like it had no end.

"Does this path end?" I asked him, he didn't answer, he sat up straight and looked over to the path.

"You know I think you would look better with your mouth shut." He said and looked at me. I sent him a glare, not regretting it for a second. "Yes, it has an end, but you're not close to it. You'll never be." He said, a butterfly landed on his thigh and he picked it up with his index finger. His eyes showed a different emotion from the one he had been showing me.

He looked calmed and...and happy. I watch the way he treated the butterfly, with care and love, being carefully not to harm her beautiful wings.

"Butterfly's are so fragile, they get harmed easily, their wings get your attention making you want to caress them and trace the colour on them. But you don't realise that with just touching them you can kill them, then realising you can't bring them back to life and give them the beauty they once had. That's the thing about hearts, you can't break them, because once it's broken it's unfixable." He spoke, letting the butterfly fly away.

I watched the butterfly carefully, the words that had came out of his lips made me think what he had gone through. Did he get hurt? Did he love someone that left him? Was he forgotten? I wanted to ask a million question but instead I kept my mouth shut and enjoyed the moment I was living.


Thanks for everything guys, I love you so much, you don't know how thankful I am!

So I'm gonna update every Wednesday, I hope, so see you next week.


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