Eleven: The Sky & The Rose

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Love y'all ♡

Two weeks had gone by fast and me and Harry hadn't had a word about that night. I didn't really wanna speak about it and I don't think he would like to speak about it. I had spent most of my time inside my room and he had spent his time in his. We only exchanged glares during dinner, not all the time because sometimes he would leave and not be back in days.

I laid on my bed just staring at the ceiling. That's when I noticed something for the first time. There was a sky full of stars, I don't know how I hadn't notice it in the first place, I'm pretty sure I've stared at the ceiling a couple times before and never seen it before. It was weird.

"You like it?" I heard her voice and I gasped, scared.

"You scared the hell out of me." I said. Gemma sat down on the edge of the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Why are you here? You abandoned me when we were reading those poems and you never came for two weeks." I spoke she turned around and looked at me.

"I was giving you time to think." She said.

"Time to think about what? Harry and I ?" I asked and she nodded. "Well it wasn't enough time because I've been going over and over him being what he is...Why didn't you tell me?" She sighed and tapped her lao, if that was even possible. She was wearing a white long silk dress, her hair was down and it was golden beautiful.

"I couldn't tell you, it wasn't my right. It was his." She said.

"Well his way wasn't the most "calmed" or "unharmful" way." I said as I sat up. She smiled and shook her head.

"He was never someone easy to talk to and now that he's a werewolf is even worst. But he's understandable and he's not the beast he calls himself to be. He has a beautiful heart and he wouldn't hurt anybody...not that bad...to...kill them." She slowed down as she said the last part. And that left me thinking.

"Umm...so who did the sky?" I asked her pointing at the ceiling. She looked up and smiled

"Harry." She simply said, the thought of him doing this made me smile.

"Why? I mean you know everything, right?" I asked, she laughed and shook her head.

"Not everything, but most of things. He wanted you to look at the sky every time you feel alone because he doesn't want to be with you when he transforms. He's afraid that he might make the same mistake from years ago, he doesn't want to lose the person who just saved his soul." She said it like it was coming from her heart.

"What happened years ago?" I asked her. She looked at me and then down at her hands.

"Goodbye, Isabella, I will always be with you. Oh, and if you ever need me just smell this rose." She said, she handed me a white rose, so pretty and fragile.

"But..." before I could say anything else, she was gone and I was left with a million doubts.


Short chapter, schools kIllIng me and I hate people in school . But heyyy I hope you guys are good thanks for everything I Love Y'all!

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