Ten: Dark Eyes

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It was Harry, but he seemed to be having just a bad dream. Or maybe not. He started screaming and moving more than a normal person would. He looked like he was fighting against something and it was scaring the living thing out of me.

I placed the notebook where I had found it and walked towards his bed in that moment I wasn't thinking right, all I was worried about was him being alright. Of course that wasn't the best move. I sat down on his bed next to him and touched his shoulder but I wasn't alert of what was coming next.

"Get off of me!" He shouted as he gripped on to my wrist. It didn't hurt at first but then after a moment it started aching. He had his eyes wide open, they were a dark green almost black.

"Harry you are...hurting...me." I said but he didn't seem to be listening, I tried to get out if his grip but it only made it worst he grabbed my other wrist and picked me up, my toes barely touching the floor. I felt like he was gonna rip my arms off of my body any time now. But shouldn't of spoken too fast.

He threw me against the wall making my back feel like a car had just ran over me. I arched my back in pain. But it wasn't over. He picked me up and pushed me against the wall holding my neck with both hands, in a tight grip. I gasped for air a couple times, I could feel my lungs asking for oxygen something that I couldn't give them.

"Ha...rry...who...a..are you?" I asked him as I was starting to see black and purple circles or spots. And that's when his eyes changed color, they turned back to the beautiful green they've been before and he realized what he was doing. He let go and stared at his hands, I fell to the floor and started coughing, gasping for air, the one my lungs were in need of.

I looked up at him and he shook his head, his hands were shaking, he looked at me and knelt down beside me.

"I...I...I didn't mean to hurt you, baby. I'm sorry, I could never do that to you, never." He said as he cupped my face with his big hands. I nodded at him being unable to speak for the moment. He looked down at me his face getting closer and closer to mine. I closed my eyes as I felt his soft pink lips against my dry ones. I could feel everything around me going around and disappearing, not only because of the big headache he had gave me but because of how the kiss made me feel.

It was one of those kisses that made you want to stay like that forever and not let that person go because they mean so much to you that without them you would have no world. It was the kind of kiss that many desired but couldn't have because they never felt love or they didn't know what it was. It could be the simplest kiss ever but if it made you feel the butterflies in your stomach and it made you forget about everyone else then it was a real kiss, true love.

He parted his lips away from mine and I opened my eyes, he was staring right back into mine. It was a beautiful moment but it didn't last long since his 3yes were starting to turn a dark green again. He looked away from me and staring doing weird noises.

"Go, get out of here." He was speaking in the same voice he had used a couple days ago, the one we're it would sound like he was speaking through greeted teeth.

"I'm not gonna leave you here, not until I find out what's going on." I said, my throat soared from the choking.

"You don't understand." He said, getting up and walking towards the door.

"I won't if you never tell me." I stood up trying to go after him. He shut the door closed and as I stared at his actions I noticed that his shoe was staring to disapeared. That's when I remembered. The sun was setting.

He banged his fists against the wall as he changed from a human form to a somehow werewolf form. It was a transformation.

"Harry was going on?" I asked him scared. The way his body was changing and looking, it wasn't a pretty view, it was sexy but scary. His shirt ripped open, well he tore it apart with his-now-claws.

"I told you to go, I didn't want you to see this, the part of me I don't want anybody to see." He said, he tried to stay in the place he was but he couldn't he ran to me but I ducked and he ran into the book shelf behind me.

He dropped it down as he breathed heavily.

"Harry..." He lunched at me again without a warning. I felt his warm (soft) body against mine, but it didn't feel so different after all. He breathed against my neck, his heavy weight was crushing me down but I wasn't doing nothing about it.

"I don't wanna hurt you, I really don't, I really don't. " He whispered quietly against my ear. "But I can't help it, it takes over before I can't do anything about it. I'm a beast without leash."

I just laid there with him on top of me. I had no words. I didn't wanna runaway. Because I wasn't scared of him, I knew he was still Harry.

"You're controlling yourself right now, you're not hurting me, except for the fat that I'm gonna pass out any minute, but you're not a beast." I said, he picked up himself from top of me, he stared into my eyes. I knew that behind that dark shade of green hid a beautiful soul waiting to be saved by someone. Maybe that someone was me and maybe not but he wants to be saved.

"How can you not runaway...from this?" He asked, and in his voice I could hear the hurt and the broken he was. I could see his fangs as he spoke, pointy and ready to tear anything apart.

"How am I still alive?" I asked him.

That night he had stared at me with confusion and I had stared at him in disbelief. How could he consider himself a beast when he was far away from that, I didn't know a lot about beasts but I knew that they destroyed everything that got in their way and so far Har rry had only done that once or twice but it was before I knew this about him.

"You're not the most horrible beast you know?" I asked him. He looked down and shook his head.

"You don't know who I am."

"I know enough to know that in the inside you're a beautiful creature. Never judge a book by its cover." I said, he smiled and shook his head again.

"Faces we see, hearts we don't know." I smiled at him and sat next to him. I cuddle my self into his arms and I spoke.

"But I know you're heart would be a beautiful place to live in." I slowly started closing my eyes and then I was asleep.


Gif to the side !

Chapters done.

Oooooooooooo BTW Harry is like a "Teen Wolf" werewolf, if you know what show I'm taking about I'll tell you that Harry is like the young version of Derek, because Derek is really hot....bye ! xx


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