Nine: "I'm here to help you"

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I had to be in bed for a week or so, it turns out the snake bite had some kind of bad effect on me, I really hate snakes. Harry had stopped by a couple times, he never talked much, he would sometimes say 'hi, are you feeling okay' wait for my answer and leave. He didn't even fix his hair anymore, it was a big mess, but he still looked beautiful, it was like it didn't even matter that he tried or not to look good.

The point was that he didn't want to make a conversation with or at least he was trying to avoid me for as long as he could. I was bored of being in this damn bed, I hated doing nothing, most of the time. I got up and tried to walk. My foot hadn't moved much so it was kind of hard to crontol it. I got to the door and opened it carefully and quietly. It was some time in the afternoon, probably three. I placed one of my hands in the wall, for support, walking down the hall I could already hear two voices, Harry's and Jason's. They were talking about something serious or important, I couldn't really hear.

" patient, the right time will come." I heard Jason say.

"You always say the same thing, I'm tired of waiting, waiting does nothing." I heard Harry raise his voice a little bit.

"Harry, what do you feel?" Jason asked, there was a big pause, silence, you could hear a pin drop. It felt as if he was afraid to answer that question.

"What am I supposed to feel? I don't even want her here, she could leave, why is she even here, I don't even ca-" He was interrupted by Jason.

"Watch what you say!"

"I don't even care...about her..."I was the only here so I assumed he was talking about me, my heart broke to pieces and yes it had happened before but this time it felt like he had stabbbed in the chest, taken my heart out and had cut it into little pieces.

I heard him walking up the steps, and just then I realized that it was him, when he stood at the top of the stairwell we made eye contact and stared into each others eyes. He partly opened his lips, but I turned around in fear I would break down crying. I started limping away and I felt him come closer but then stopped.

Right now I wanted to be as far away from him as I possibly could. After all this time of being in bed I wanted to finally see him and possibly have a conversation but instead I get this mean message not directed to me but it was for me. Did he ignored having a conversation with me all this time just because he doesn't care about me? Or was it something else?

* * *

I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, just thinking. I would runaway but I really didn't feel like walking. I could look for a job tomorrow out of town, that way I'll save up for a place to live in or something. I saw that musical box sitting on the night stand, I grabbed it and it started playing that soft calming song. The room light up with a bright light, and there she stood.

"Ah!" I screamed falling off the bed. She smiled and stared at me, was this a dream ? Did I passed out ? I was so confused, she didn't look real but it didn't look like a dream either.

"Hello, Isabella." She said in a soft voice, she had straight blond hair and she was a bit taller than me, she had brown eyes and her smile was beautiful.

"Who are you?" I asked, not so scared as before. She came towards me and I could now see she was not stepping on the floor, she was floating.

"I'm Gemma, Harry's sister, I'm not gonna hurt you so you can come out from the bed. " She said, I got up and stood there like a statue.

"Why are that?" I said awkwardly pointing her up and down.

"Well, long story short, I'm dead and I'm an angel and I'm here to help you." My eyes widened and I stared at her not believing what she had just said.

"Excuse you?" I said in a high voice, she laughed and sat down on the bed, I still didn't understood how that was possible.

"You know, this was my room when I was alive, that was my music box. And you know I was giving up on you I thought you would never look at it again." She said placing a strand of her hair behind her ear. I was speechless. "Now lets get to the point."

"What's the point ?" I asked her, she smiled and stood up or whatever, float up.

"I'm here to help you on anything you want. So c'mon whatcha need?" She asked so excited. I was still looking at her confused. "C'mon..."

"Uh, well Harry hates me and I wanna know why." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh, he's not mad, he's just confused. He lo-la-la-la..." she said biting her bottom lip. "Okay let me show you he doesn't hate you." She walked to the door and I followed behind her, we walked down the hallway and into that mysterious room, Harry's room. I would of knocked but the door was open and Harry laid on his bed asleep.

"What are we doing?" I asked her. She moved towards his night stand and took out a notebook. She placed it on my hand and gestured me to open it. He had written a lot of stuff, I opened to one page in particular.

"If I love the sun do I hate the moon?

If I feel the pain why don't I feel alive?

If I give her love will she love me back?

If I lost the battle why don't I give up?"

"And when she smiles she becomes my world, and her smile makes me realize that she might love me back, but will that be strong enough to break the curse that I have inside?"

I read the last word and looked up for Gemma but she wasn't there anymore.

"What are you doing?"


This just became as twisted as my thoughts...

I didn't update in like a month but I'm back ahhh ! 

school Sucks but i Like it !

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