Chapter 20: The True Roomer

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The bell went for lunch and lots of people surrounded me.

"Then what happened?" Someone asked.

"Then the grey wolf scooped the black one on his back and ran away," I finished. Everyone awed at me.

"I can't believe it! Real wolves in Australia!" Another yelled. I was just as exited about the idea too.

"This is a break through! We have to tell the police or something!" A girl pointed out. Everyone nodded.

"But we need proof before we can tell the police," I explained.

"Ok so everyone keep a lookout and make sure you have a camera or phone with you at all times ok?" Mia said.

"Ok!" Everyone replied and the group broke away. Mia and I walked up to the cafeteria.

"So you're staying?" I asked her.

"Yep mum found a cool house and well I'm staying," Mia stated once again. I nearly jumped up and down. We got our food and sat at a table. I hadn't seen Taia since this morning until then I saw her with...Beck.


I had told Beck about the roomer and he stood there in compleat silence.

"No one could come up with something like that," he pointed out. I nodded.

"I don't know it's all Olivia said," I said again.

"Who is Olivia?" He asked. I face palmed.

"Oh sorry she is just this girl me and Jess talk about," I apologised. Beck and I got our food and sat at our table. Jess wasn't there when we usually would be. Suddenly I saw her and Mia at a different table. I frowned. "Why are they over there?" I thought annoyed. Beck held my hand.

"Hey calm down," he ordered.

"I am calm," I said calmly.

"Ok but your eyes are turning yellow," he pointed out.

"Oh crap...wait that's why I saw your eyes glimmer a bit of gold when I first met you," I explained.

"Yeah ok the first time," he said. I walked over to Jess and Mia. The stared at me as I sat down.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked. The looked at each other then at me.

"Nothing," Mia whispered.

"Ok what has happened? You never any 'nothing' in any situation," I pointed out.

"It's just the roomers going around about you," Jess admitted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Come one guys you have never believed any other roomers about me so why is this any different?" I stated. I clenched my fists and they were waiting for directions or orders.

"You tell me?" Jess asked sadly. I got my crutches and walked back to Beck. He lead my around a corner so no one could see us. I sobbed on his shoulder. He pushed my head up and made me looked at him.

"You ok?" He asked softly.

"I'm done with taking all this crap, I give up," I sobbed.

"If you've read books you know how they just end there or others say The End?" He said.

"I've read thousands of those kinds," I replied.

"Well those authors should say The End because a story will go on just like life no matter what," he paused. I didn't know why he was telling me this. "So instead of saying The End they should say The And," he finished. I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean you must go on just like a book, now will you do that?" He asked. I nodded and we went back to our lockers. I smiled when Beck kissed my cheek.

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