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Tuesday, 24 September, 2019


Over the past few days I've been here, I've noticed something kinda.....odd.

Nyco disappears, like, a lot.

"So...Brax," I said, walking up to the man with the sun-like hair, who tensed slightly as I did, "What do you know about Nyco?"

He breathed out a relieved sigh, "I thought you were going to ask me out....and I know quite a bit about our dear leader. What do you want to know?"

I grinned and shook my head, "I'm not looking for anything like that right now.....but I do want to know where Nyco disappears to every now and then."

He hummed, leaning back slightly in his chair, stopping whatever it was he was working on -- it looked a bit like a necklace -- and pursed his lips, "That, I don't know. We've asked about it before, but it's kinda a touchy subject....I guess. I'm not too sure -- no one is."

"Maybe I'll be the first one to figure it out," I suggested with a shrug.

Brax chuckled at me, "What? Are you going to make puns or flirt with him until he breaks? He might kill you before then, you know."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Very funny. I'm going to follow him, dummy."

He rose his eyebrows at me, "Oh yeah? I thought you said you weren't a spy."

I crossed my arms, "I can be whatever I want to be...right now, I'm just a spy."

He laughed at that, "How convenient."

I smirked at him, "Obviously. Anyways, what are you working on here?"

"Hmm?" he hummed, looking slightly confused before noticing the unfinished necklace-thingy on the table, "Oh. Nothing important."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "If you say so...I'm going to go spy on Nyco now, so, see you later?"

"Yeah. Sure," he nodded in agreement before going back to work on whatever that necklace was.


I ducked behind a trashcan just before Nyco turned around, feeling my heart pounding in my chest as I followed after him.

Maybe I should ignore my curiosity before it gets me in trouble.....at least, more than I'm in now.

And maybe this was kind of a stupid plan. Why did I think it was smart to follow after a guy that obviously doesn't like me? I could sure use an explanation as to why the hell I decided to do this.

I peeked over the top of the trashcan's lid, seeing that Nyco had started walking again. I got up and quietly followed after him, ducking behind large objects every now and then to avoid being seen.

It was kinda obvious that Nyco knew he was probably being followed....or he's just really paranoid. I hope he's thinking it's more of that second thing, I wouldn't want to be murdered out here....though, being murdered by a really hot guy wouldn't be too bad.

After another half hour of following Nyco, and barely managing to not get caught doing so; he had finally stopped at a small, off-white house that had dark red double-doors and a black, tiled roof.

I crept up towards the still opened door that Nyco hadn't closed behind him, peeking into the room.

The lounge had two white lounge chairs and a black L-shaped couch with black and white striped throw pillows. Sitting on the black couch was a boy with ashen-gray skin, almost as pale as the white striped pillows either side of him; the boy had golden blonde hair, reminding me a bit of the colour of honey, though, there was a large, bright, emerald green stripe in it that probably matched his eyes; the boy was still kinda small, even though he did look about the same age as Nyco and me.

I watched for them for a long moment -- Nyco had taken a seat next to the blonde boy and was running his hand through his hair slowly, looking at him with a longing look. I felt my face flush before I spun around and walked away from the house.

Whoever that boy was seemed important to Nyco...for whatever reason.


As I hung around Brax and Bryx -- who both seemed oddly uncomfortable about my presence -- I decided to ask if they knew anything about Nyco's mystery boy, "So...you two know Nyco pretty well. Has he ever mentioned anyone important to him?"

"No," they answered simultaneously.

"He's never mentioned anyone since before the epidemic started," Bryx said with a shrug, leaning slightly into his brother's side.

"Except his mum and dad," Brax added, his brother nodding in agreement, "What do they look like?"

"He's blonde -- like me but with a green streak instead of a blue one, and kinda tiny....probably nineteen or eighteen," I said, crossing my arms.

Both twins shook their heads at once before Bryx said, "Never seen him."

And that's basically how my entire afternoon went.

I kept asking everyone I could find that wasn't busy about this 'mystery' boy. Everyone said that they've never seen him and that he's never been mentioned by Nyco before.

Though, I did have to stop my investigation once Nyco had finally gotten back later that afternoon.

I think it was safe to say that my curiosity always seems to get the best of me.

Because I was definitely going to figure out who this guy was.

I just had to figure out how to bring it up without letting Nyco know I had spied on him....that can't be too difficult, now can it?

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