15 1 0

Tuesday, 15 October, 2019


"You seem kinda down," Jexa said as she ran a hand through a sleepy Adrian's bright pink hair, "What's up?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing."

"Okay, now I know something's up."

"It's really nothing," I repeated, "I was just being really silly."

She smiled sweetly at me, "Fine, you don't have to tell me."

Jexa started to get up, handing Adrian to me before she got up and walked over to where Ace was, who was toying around with something small, white, and somewhat shaped like a rectangular remote.

"Jelly and daddy sitty in a tree," Adrian sang happily as he stared over at Jexa and his father.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G," I played along, resting my head lightly atop of the toddler's.

He giggled at that, tapping my cheek lightly with one of his tiny hands, "Jelly in love."

"You're adorable," I cooed, poking the boy lightly in the side.

Adrian shook his head furiously at that, "Nopes. You is."

"Someone's a flirt."


"Thing's totally didn't go well with Nyco, huh?" Melo asked me as I sat down next to her.

"What gave you that idea?" I muttered bitterly, crossing my arms.

"It's kinda obvious," she mumbled, "You two are always together -- mostly because you follow him like a shadow, now, Nyco's avoiding you like the plague."

"I guess that's true," I said, "I may have told him I like him and then...kissed him, and he said no."

"What do you mean he said 'no'?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows at me, "What does that even mean?"

"I said 'I like you', he said 'no'," I replied, "Explains why I'm so sour."

"Oh...oh, you poor boy," she murmured before hugging me so tightly to the point where it could almost be called attempted murder.

"So, um...where are they going?" I asked, pointing towards Brax and Nix.

"Ace and his...group live an hour away by foot, so, Nyco's sending them out to scout the area...you know, to make sure the raiders aren't nearby. He said that he doesn't fancy going to war," she told me with a shrug of her shoulders.

As I saw Nyco go up to the pair, he glanced once over towards me and Melo before frowning and looking away.

The pink-haired girl let out a low whistle, "Damn, I really thought things would work out for you two. I swear that he has a thing about you."

"Apparently not."

She grabbed onto my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze, "You know, everyone actually thinks you two are dating...well, at least, until you kissed him."

I let out a sigh before running a hand through my blonde hair, "Whatever, I don't care."

"Aw, baby," she cooed, pouting at me, "I'm sorry things didn't end up working for you."

I leaned into the girl's side, "Me too...I feel like I was just being silly."

She continued to pout at me before taking one of her hands and smacking me lightly on the face, "Don't think like that. Feelings are never silly and telling him was very brave of you. And...maybe you'll meet someone...eventually."

"Yes," I said sarcastically, "Because our post-apocalyptic world is full of gay men who just want a piece on me."

"Right," she murmured, pursing her lips and looking away sheepishly with pink cheeks.

It's not like it matters, though...I was completely rejected, so there's not much hope there. Besides, all the guys here are in a relationship -- the ones that haven't rejected me yet -- and it's not like I'll be meeting anyone anytime soon.

It's just a crush...I'll just get over it eventually.

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