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Tuesday, 5 November, 2019


I was awoken to the feeling of a hand running through my hair before I was snuggling up closer to the warm body lying beside me.

"Someone's awake," I heard Nyco murmur softly, pecking the top of my head.

I let out a small hum, "I may be awake, but I'm going to continue faking being asleep," I replied tiredly, hiding my face further in the boy's chest.

"That's too bad . . . I was planning for a morning snog, but if you'd rather sleep . . . " Oh, screw him. You could practically hear the smirk, not that that really stopped the blush.

I pulled back a bit to look up at the brunette's face, seeing a cheeky grin on his face as I pouted at him.

"That's very rude of you," I muttered continuing to stare up at him anyway.

"You know, I wasn't kidding about the snogging part."

It was entirely Nyco's fault he was kicked out of the bed.

Really, he had it coming to him.

Yet, the asshole was laughing about it. Rude.


"You seem really grumpy," Melo commented, nudging me in the side a bit with an elbow, a hot cup of tea in her hands as she sat down next to me, "What happened to you?"

"I was rudely awakened this morning by a certain someone," I grumbled, crossing my arms, "I get grumpy when I don't get my beauty rest."

"Are you sure it's not because we'd try to make you do something if you woke up earlier?"

I shook my head, "What would make you think that? I'm not lazy, I just happen to like sleep."

"Did Nyco do anything else to upset you this morning?" Melo asked with a raised eyebrow, "This seems like it's more than him just waking you up too early."

I cleared my throat, feeling my face burn, "Nothing . . . he's just a stupid morning person."

The pink-haired girl hummed, a small smirk on her face as she sipped at her tea, "If you say so."

"At this rate, I'll be mad at everyone here."

"I think the only person who would care about you being mad at them is Nyco," she added with a small shrug, "You know that too."

"Maybe I just need to find a place where I'm appreciated more."

She snorted, "Good luck finding people who won't kill you."


I felt Nyco wrap his arms around my waist from behind me, pecking me sweetly on the cheek, "You're adorable."

I felt my face go warm, leaning back into the brunette, "Shut up."

"You act as if you've never had a boyfriend before," the boy murmured, resting his head on one of my shoulders.

"I mean . . . I used to have one . . . it was for three-ish weeks, wasn't really paying attention,"

"That's still like you've never dated anyone before, " Nyco said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I've also had a girlfriend for a month or so before realising I was gay," I offered, "That's something."

The brunette chuckled lightly, "That's practically nothing."


"Explains why you kicked me out of bed earlier," he said jokingly, pressing a featherlight kiss to the side of my neck.

I glared at him, "I'll do it again."

"I know you will," Nyco said with a small smile, "And I'd rather stay in the bed."

"Well, it's good to know you've learned your lesson."

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