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Friday, 11 October, 2019


"Wait...where are you two going?" I asked as I saw Brax and Jexa packing two backpacks with water and some vegetables.

"Just scouting the area a bit," Brax answered, "Nyco would rather be safe than sorry."

"Do you think I could go with you?" I questioned with a bright smile, "I could do with the exercise."

The sun-haired boy glanced over at Jexa before letting out a sigh and nodding, "Why not? Jexa can just carry some extra supplies with her."

She rose an eyebrow at that, "Fine. Only because you'd whine like a baby if I made you do it."

"Hey!" he argued, "Not true."

"If you say so, darling."

I chuckled at their childish antics before sitting on top of one of the tables nearby.

After a few minutes, Nyco walked into the room and stared over at me with a confused expression. "Are you taking him with you?" he asked Brax.

"Apparently," he replied with a shrug.

The brunette looked over at me once again before grabbing onto Brax's arm and whispering something to the man.

"If I have to," he said with a sigh as Nyco walked off.

"What was that about?" I asked.

He hummed, "Oh, uh, nothing."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, "Mhm, sure."

Jexa smiled at me, "Smart kid, I like him."

"Sorry, no ladies allowed."

She snorted at that.


"What exactly are we doing?" I asked Jexa as we continued walking along a dirt path, while Brax was off in the distance, doing his own thing.

"Making sure there aren't any raiders nearby," she told me, "It's hard enough to survive as a group -- add stolen resources to the mix, then whoop-de-doo, you're all fucked."

I rose an eyebrow at her before letting out a low whistle, "You're not the cuddly, happy-go-lucky type, are you?"

She laughed at that, "Whatever could've given you that idea?"

"Have there ever been raiders anywhere near here anyway?" I questioned, wrapping my arms around my abdomen.

She paused for a moment before shaking her head, "Not that I know of, but -- as Nyco says -- you can never be too safe."

I smiled at that, "That does seem like him."

"You know," Jexa started, "I've been wondering.....do you like Nyco?"

I felt my face flush, "Why does everyone keep asking that?"

She gave me a look, "It's totally not because you keep following him around like a shadow, or because you keep flirting with him. That'd be ridiculous."

"Wait, everyone thinks I like him?" I questioned, giving the girl an incredulous look, "Unbelievable."

"That's what happens when someone's being extra flirty with anyone," she told me, "It's not like you're like that around anyone else."

"Well, I don't flirt with girls...for one," I said, "And I make it a thing not to flirt with people that are already taken."

Jexa pursed her lips, nodding stiffly, "So, you do know that Brax and Bryx are dating?"

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