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Thursday, 26 September, 2019


"Nyco!" I shouted after the brunette as I chased after him before he could leave the room yet again.

He spun around to face me, his cheeks painted light pink, "What do you want?"

"About the other day...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," I apologised, smiling sweetly at the boy.

"It's okay, actually...I'm just not used to people, or saying anything about myself, really," he told me with a small shrug, "And you kinda do remind me of someone."

"Is it that person you were talking about yesterday?" I asked.

He nodded stiffly, "Yeah...you're a lot like him actually. Sweet, flirty, sarcastic -- the first time I saw you I almost thought that you were  Sylus before I remembered....."

I gave him a reassuring smile before hugging the boy tightly, who tensed until I had pulled away from him, his face a light shade of red. I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. You just looked like you could've used a hug."

He gave me a small smile, "Thanks."


"Drax?" I called as I walked up to the boy, who had his arms wrapped around Nix, "Do you know anything about a guy named Sylus?"

"Sylus?" he questioned, "Never heard of him before."

Just as I was about to turn away, I heard Nix say something, "I've heard Nyco mention him once or twice before, but he hasn't said anything about him since."


"Yeah, he mentioned him a bit when I first met him," he told me, "Whoever that 'Sylus' guy is...he seemed pretty important to Nyco. And from what I have heard from him, Sylus actually might've looked a bit like you. How do you know about him anyway?"

I cleared my throat awkwardly, feeling my face flush, "He may have accidentally mentioned his name to me earlier...and I also may or may not have followed him the other day."

Nix stared blankly at me before turning to his boyfriend and asking, "Are we really sure that he's not actually a spy?"

I laughed at that, "I swear I'm not."

"Nyco's pretty good at realising he's being followed, there's no way he couldn't have noticed you," he said, raising his eyebrows at me.

I shrugged, "It did seem like he knew he was being followed, but I didn't get caught...maybe he thought I was an animal or something."

He smiled at that, shaking his head in amusement, "Or something, he probably took a longer route to try and throw you off, even if he didn't know it was you."

"Definitely...there were so many ways to get to that house faster."


Later that evening....well, little to say, I was very surprised to see Nyco storming over to me with a glare on his face.

"How did you find out about Sylus?" he asked in an upset tone that reminded me a bit of how my mother sounded when she was angry at someone -- usually me -- and it definitely made me anxious.

"Who?" I asked in a squeaky voice as I sunk down as far as possible into the couch I was sitting on.

He continued to scowl at me, "You know exactly what I'm talking about. And don't you dare pretend you don't. I repeat, how did you find out about Sylus?"

"You mentioned him earlier," I answered, feeling my face burning as I tried to escape Nyco's intense glare.

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me with an incredulous look, "I did? I don't think I ever did."

I took in a deep breath, "Oh, you did. You said that you thought I was Sylus when you first saw me."

Nyco's eyes widened slightly and his face turned pink, "I didn't realise that I said his name...."

"How did you know that I found out about him?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

He rolled his eyes, "How would I have not figured that out? I'm not deaf, you know."

"Oh," I murmured, "Everyone here kinda talks, huh?"

He hummed in agreement, "When they learnt something new about me, then that's all they'll talk about."

"I shouldn't have expected anything more of them."

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