T W E N T Y - F O U R

16 2 0

Thursday, 14 November, 2019


"Why is everyone in here being weird?" I asked as I walked into the main lounge, "And where's Nyco?"

The quiet murmurs within the group came to an abrupt stop, a few people glancing quickly over at me with nervous faces.

"What'd I say?"

"Uh . . . so, there's bad news and, more bad news," Melo started awkwardly, "Well, it started snowing last night. Also, Nyco is nowhere to be found, he's disappeared."

"People don't just disappear," I said with a roll of my eyes, "He obviously left, there was no 'disappearing', Nyco is not a magician."

"Well, he's gone and he hasn't brought anything with him," Brax added, crossing his arms, "No one knows when he left last night either and he could very well have frozen to death within the time he's been gone."

"Do we have winter coats?" I asked suddenly, getting a few people nodding as an answer.

"They should be in the closet, the door opposite of Nyco's room," Jexa replied, still staring at me with an odd look, just like the one on everyone else's faces.

With that, I turned around and stalked out of the room, grabbing a coat from the closet and putting it on. Besides, it would be best to warm it up now.

"Zyre, where are you going?" Melo asked as she came around the corner of the hallway after following me.

"I'm going to go find my boyfriend . . . well, I mean, my maybe-boyfriend, things have been iffy lately," I responded with a shrug.

"We've already looked, but there aren't any footprints out front. He probably left before it started snowing," the pink-haired girl told me, still following after me as I walked back towards the lounge.

"What about the tracker-necklace thingy?" I questioned, glancing back at her for a moment.

"He took it off before he left," she said as if she was trying to convince me not to go looking for him, "It's obvious he doesn't want to be found."

"That's not going to stop me," I said, "I abandoned someone a few years ago, I still regret it to this day. Even if they were the one to tell me to leave, I know they still needed me and I left. I won't abandon anyone this time."


"What?" I asked, "It's not like I can die. And nothing you say will make me stay here when I can go and do something about this."

"In that case, you should just go," Melo said with a small smile, "Go find your man and bring him back to us."

"Don't worry," I assured her, "I'll bring him back to his family."

A few minutes later I was heading out the back entrance looking for anything that could've led me in the right direction.

Then, I saw something.

It was a trail of frozen flowers.


After following the trail of flowers -- still not sure how no one had noticed it -- for nearly an hour and a half, I had come across someone, obviously Nyco, who was slumped against a tree, sitting on a patch of ground that had somehow managed to remain untouched by the snow, staring off into space.

"Nyco," I said, causing the brunette to turn towards me, "Hi."

"What are you doing here?" he asked me in a quiet voice.

"Looking for you," I told him, "You don't think you could've just left without me following after you, did you?"

"I guess I kind of hoped you'd follow me."

I smiled a bit at him, "Stand up."

Once the boy had stood up, I was taking my coat off and forcing Nyco to put it on.

"Zyre, what about you? You're going to freeze," he said, looking at me in concern, trying to keep me from putting the coat on.

"No, I'm not," I argued, managing to zip up the jacket, "It's not like the weather will kill me. If jumping off the same cliff ten times didn't work, I doubt a bit of snow will do the job."

The brunette looked at me with wide eyes, "What are you--"

"When we get back, I'm going to have to catch you up on some things."

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