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Omg another part!! "bUt YoU sHoULd Be WoRkiNg On ThAt OnE sToRy YoU pRoMiSeD yOu'D wRiTe," I tell myself because literally, nobody else cares. Well shut up me! I can do what I enjoy!

(tw er, violence?)

(tw er, violence?)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I take one last step.

Suddenly something holds me back. I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me while I'm awoken completely from my dark thoughts.

I feel myself being yanked right out of the air by whoever pulled me back. The wind slaps me in the face, giving me a chill, all the while my stomach churns from the sudden movement.

Before I knew it, I was on the ground again. Shaking. Whoever had just stopped me from jumping off the astronomy tower still had their arms around me. They were breathing heavily. We sat in silence until I could finally bring myself to look my savior in the eyes.

And what do you know? It's Harry Potter. In the flesh. Doing the same Gryffindor-ish acts as usual.

I quickly scrambled out of his arms. "What the hell are you doing?" I say aggressively. He looked taken aback.

"Excuse me? I think the real question is; 'Why in the absolute hell, were you about to jump off the goddamn astronomy tower?'" He asked, incredulous,

I was about to say something along the lines of, I deserve to die! But I held my tongue. I never wanted anybody to know about me and my thoughts.

"That is none of your business scarface."

"Well, you seem extremely upset that I just saved your life again. Would you like me to leave you here, ferret?"


I didn't say it. I just stared at him, trying not to break down. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

"Why were you up here, Potter? It's well past curfew."

"Don't lecture me about curfew Malfoy. You're here too. And I came up here for a breath of fresh air. I couldn't sleep."

I stared at him through my hair that had fallen over my eyes, with my arms wrapped protectively around my knees. I hate this. I hate that Potter has to see me like this. If it wasn't for him I would be dead by now.

That's usually used as praise, but I guess wanting to off yourself would change that.

"Why did you save me?"

"What? What do you mean? Why wouldn't I save you?"

"Because you hate me! And you didn't answer my question. Why did you stop me from jumping off?"

He widened his eyes in surprise. He looked at the ground and stammered out an answer. "I-I don't know, really. I guess it's just the right thing to do. Same with when I saved you from the Fiendfire. I couldn't leave you there to be scorched to death. How could I let you die now?"

I took it all in as I stared at the ground, trying to hold back tears. "But.. why?"

"I already told you."

"No. Why? I'm a fucking deatheater, Potter. I tormented you and your friends since we were eleven! I-You've hated me! We hated each other! W-we still- do we?" I broke down sobbing halfway through trying to get that out. Potter looks startled, stuttering to get something out.

I stuff my head between my knees, willing myself to stop sobbing. It was to no avail. I struggled to breathe, when all of a sudden I felt him sit close beside me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

I tensed up before I relaxed into his grasp. I leaned my face into his shoulder and let all my pent up tears out. It was humiliating. Harry shouldn't see me like this, I'm a Slytherin. I'm a Malfoy. I'm not supposed to let anybody see me like this. I repeated those thoughts as I dampened Potters' robes with warm tears. Suddenly I was swept into another flashback.

I'm pushed into the wall with a hand around my throat. I was surrounded by a crowd of sniggering students. Whoever was holding me up against the wall started throwing his fist into my stomach. The other students began throwing hexes my way. I didn't bother to defend myself. It's happened before. "Fucking deatheater." The student pushing me against the wall hissed. He spat in my face, and gave me one last blow to my gut before dropping me and leaving the crowd to do whatever they wanted to me. I sat there, emotionless before hearing a voice calling out my name. "Malfoy?"


I'm awoken from my trance by Potter shaking my shoulders. My face is covered with tears, and Potter looked disheveled. "Draco what the hell? Are you okay?"

I flinch. He used my first name.

Tears filled my eyes as I got up and fled down the stairs. I heard Harry calling my name as I ran. He was chasing me. But I was faster. I quickly outran him. I ran to the Slytherin dorms and locked myself in the bathroom to catch my breath.

After I sat there for a while, dry heaving my way through a panic attack, I laid down in my bed. Willing myself to go to sleep. It didn't work though, I had too much on my mind. So I just sat there all night, trying to stop tears falling down from my eyes.

The Boy Who Made All The Wrong Choices Where stories live. Discover now