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Roman numerals are stupid af like this is only 18 tf why did it get so big

Sorry about my updates slowing down yet again :/// the whole COVID-19 situation has my family in freaking shambles. I'm babysitting my siblings literally all day, and when I'm not doing that I cooking or cleaning. thanks for your understanding, I'm sure y'all are busy too.

unless you guys don't have siblings and you just sit at home because you also don't have school- ANYWAYS ENJOY THIS CHAPTER


Well, it seemed my silent treatment plan wasn't going to work

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Well, it seemed my silent treatment plan wasn't going to work.

The moment Pansy shut the bathroom door, she whipped around and violently pushed my collar away.

"Ow! Fucking hell pansy!" I protested. She didn't say a single word. She just stared.

"Holy shit Draco..." she paused and slowly looked deep into my eyes, making me kinda nervous. "Did we get you laid?"

"I- no! God no! We just- we didn't-!" I swiped her hands away from my neck and made a move to walk out the door again.

I left the bathroom and glared at Blaise and Theo again before turning around to leave the dorm. Without turning back I shouted,

"Your silent treatment starts now, cockheads!"

And then I left.


After strolling around the castle for a bit, waiting for breakfast, I finally decided it was time to head to the great hall.

I slipped through the huge doors and begrudgingly made me way over to the Slytherin table, where unfortunately all my friends were sitting already. They greeted me with a wave.

"Hello, Draco! How's your silent treatment going?" Blaise asked with a shit-eating grin on his face. I just ignored him, and grabbed a shiny green apple off the top of a small fruit bowl and took a few bites before putting it down again.

I could practically feel Pansy glaring a hole through the side of my head.

"You're eating more than that," Pansy bluntly stated. "I'm not only letting you eat a few bites of an apple.

I so badly wanted to say that I wasn't hungry, but I just continued ignoring them all while they tried to pester me into talking.

I kept my eyes trained on the table. I couldn't help but be reminded of the... meetings the dark lord hosted at my family's dining table. Just keep my eyes trained on the table and don't speak unless spoken to. Well, in this case, don't speak at all.

I lifted my head up a little to try and look over to the Gryffindor table. I immediately saw Potter staring at me again, and I looked back down- blushing.

Pansy- who was watching my every move- squeaked next to me and started shaking Blaise's hands from across the table. "We did it! We got him laid!" she whisper yelled. Blaise laughed and shook her off.

I gave them both a harsh glare before rolling my eyes and staring back down at my hands. This is gonna be a long day.


While my three friends continued to attempt to get me to respond to them, we wait through both potions and herbology before lunch.

All of us are together at some point during classes. I have Pansy and Blaise in potions. Which currently- is the most unfortunate situation. They're the most annoying ones when it comes to this. At least Theo has the decency to not try to get me to talk to him in the most irritating fashion. By the end of potions, I was near ready to strangle them both. Pansy poked me about a million times, and Blaise refused to stop throwing crumpled up pieces of parchment at the back of my head.

If I wasn't as determined to start making them feel guilty, I genuinely would have unleashed hell whenever we were alone again.

Instead of moving on to my next class, I would've rather locked myself in a bathroom and scream until lunch. But alas, I had to attend.

Having a class with just Theo was refreshing. He wasn't as annoying. But he tried to break me by nudging me with his shoulder and telling me that I could trust him. Yeah, totally. I wanted to say. And watch your eyes light up while you go spill to Blaise and Pansy now you're a better friend than them? Hell no.

I was almost put together again.

Until lunch.

At some point, I'm pretty sure all three of them were talking at the exact same time. To me. All their words blended with each other as I angrily ate to distract myself. I kept pulling more and more food from the center of the table, whether it be small sandwiches or random fruits. It wasn't until I felt a wave of nausea hit me that I realized 'anger-eating' wasn't that great of an idea.

I hastily stood up without a word and made a run for the large set of doors.


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