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alright, chapter 15! Thank you so much again for being patient. I hope you enjoy.

(btw if y'all ever see (PICTURE HERE) or even just PICTURE please remind me bc I forgot to add one lmao)

-eh not a fan of the pic I chose but I couldn't find anything that fits-


What did they write to him?

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What did they write to him?

I furrowed my eyebrows and moved my focus away from the note to his face. He looked terrified. The longer I stared at him in confusion, the more his face dropped, and the more embarrassed he looked.

As much as I'd usually bask in his embarrassment, I was honestly mortified. I wanted to see what they wrote to him.

"Give me the note," I said firmly.

"What? Why? Why did you want me to come up here?"

"I- What? Give me the note!" I lunged for his hand.

"No!" He pulled the note away. "Answer my question!"

"I'll answer after you let me read that!" I was desperate to know what they had written. I thought they were writing it "from Ginny"!

"Just tell me why you wrote this! Why would you-" his features softened and he looked like he was about to cry for a moment. "Why did you want to talk?"

I backed away from him and curled my arms around my torso. How do I explain this?

"I... will you let me read the note after?"

He stared at me.

"Y- yes of course."

I rubbed my eyes and clasped my hands together to stop myself from fidgeting more.

"Why did you-" I choked on my words. I contemplated just jumping off the tower, but that's ridiculous. I composed myself. "Why did you kiss me?"

I spat out the question fast. But before he answered, more questions began popping up in my head, so I asked those too.

"Why did you run away? Why have you been ignoring me? What the hell does that note say?"

I was just spitting out questions that I've wanted to ask for days. Harry just stared at the floor with dread filling his eyes.

I stared at him, expecting an answer to at least one of my questions.

Harry clenched and unclenched his fists. He kept shifting from one foot to another. He finally took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes.

I almost got lost in the little details of the emerald green pools of colour. He looked so sad, and going by how he's looking at me, I assume I look worse.

"I- I was," he took a sharp breath, "I was scared."

"Of what?" Of me?

"Well not of you," Harry mutters out, as if he read my mind. "I was scared of myself."

"What do you mean?"

He looked nervous. We were still standing a formal distance from each other, but our eyes haven't moved from each other's since they locked.

"I was scared of what I was-" He cut off as if he didn't want to let himself break open.

My gaze hardened.

"Of what"

Suddenly, his eyes twitched, and he turned away from me.

"I'm leaving. Take the letter." He tossed it to me and tried briskly running to the stairwell.

But I was faster.

"What? No!" I quickly swerved around him to get to the stairwell first, and I shoved him away from it. "I didn't come all the way up here late at night, just to have you leave me alone again! I'm sick and tired of you dancing around me! I want answers! And I'm gonna get the-mph!"

All of a sudden, I'm cut off as he pulled me towards him by the sleeves of my cloak. And again, his chapped lips were pressed up against mine.

At first, I was in a trance. I couldn't move at all, and my eyes were wide open.

When I finally got ahold of myself, it took everything I could not to forgive everything he did to me and kiss him back as hard as I possibly could.

I stepped on his foot and pushed his face away from mine.

"No. I'm not letting this happen again. You're not gonna be let off the hook just because you kissed me. You're not gonna leave me in a compromising position just to run away again."

I avoided his eyes, although we were still impossibly close.


"No. I wanted you up here for a reason. I'm not letting you leave again."

Another short chapter, I know. But I thought the dramatic ending would be fun! Again, I'm so sorry for the wait. I'm trying really hard to push through this writers' block. I'm still so guilty that it's been going on for months :((

Thank you so much for reading and voting! I especially love the comments you guys leave, although the "omg I relate" comments are getting slightly worrying. Still appreciate them though lol :)

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