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JfccccC Malfoy went through like 383838 mood swings the last chapter. Sorry, he's on his period.


After whatever the hell that was went down, I continued on my usual life

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After whatever the hell that was went down, I continued on my usual life. Went back to the dormitory, complained. Went to eat breakfast, complained.

Pansy even stopped me in the middle of complaining about Potter to say "listen. As much as I'm relieved that you're back to yourself again, it came up so fast. And got annoying really fast."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Draco it's fine. But maybe tone it down a little bit. Just eat your food. You're too skinny."

"But I wasn't even finished! I was saying that-"

"Shush! Eat!"

I grumbled and took another small bite of the sausage I had on my plate. I didn't really have much of an appetite, but anything to keep everyone else happy.

Funny how I lived of tormenting other people in the past. I feel quite guilty about that. I never really cared before I decided to imagine myself in their shoes. I only had thought about it during the summer.

I thought a lot that summer.

I guess it was the only thing I did those 3 months.

"Draco?" I heard Pansy pull me out of my thoughts.


"Don't look now, but Potter is staring at you and hasn't looked away in at least a minute." She told him quietly. Her lips lowered to my ear. I looked up and I caught his eyes. I narrowed my eyes and his face went a small bit pink before he looked away. Pansy smacked my arm. "I told you not to look!"

I rolled my eyes and looked back at her. She smacked me again, but this time a bit harder. "Don't roll your eyes at me Draco!" She uttered.

I groaned. "You're just like my mother."

"Good. Your mother is a very respectable woman. If I was her, I'd've hit you right in your little self-righteous face!" She hissed. I looked at her fondly.

"You're making me miss her," I murmured. She dropped her defensive look and replaced it with a loving smile.

"You write her nearly every day. She's such a wonderful woman. How did she ever get on with such an awful man?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "My mother actually told me that he used to be such a wonderful man. They spoiled me to no end when I was little. I don't remember my father ever just- becoming the way he was. It was like out of nowhere the war- and Voldemort- brought out the worst in him. He was never terribly awful until about 3rd year when he heard that Granger surpassed my grades," I recalled out loud. I was completely lamenting my entire life to her. Not only to her but to everybody sitting close enough to us in the great hall.

I ignored the fact that many people could probably be listening to our conversation. It didn't really matter who heard anymore. Everybody knew everything about me. They can listen in all they want.

I finally stopped talking when Pansy told me to continue eating my food before it got cold on my plate. I grumbled, but I complied anyway.


The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. It was just a regular day, yet this time around I couldn't stop thinking about Potter.

That was pretty normal. This time, though, it wasn't in complete and utter hatred for the boy. I couldn't truly put a finger on what the feeling was when I thought about him.

Whatever. The important thing is that I don't feel completely enraged when I look at his stupid face.

Although every time I looked at him, he'd look away. It's obvious that he's been staring me down. It's weird and stalker-ish. Sweet Salazar, it feels like I'm 16 all over again!

I tried not to notice him burning a hole directly into my face as I ate some green beans. Pansy and Blaise were talking amongst themselves. I wasn't really listening. I was trying really hard not to look at Potter again. It takes concentration when you just know somebody is staring right at you. Just staring!

"Hello? Draco? Are you in there?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by somebody mentioning my name. It was Pansy. Who else? I looked back up at her and Blaise. "Sorry. I spaced out," I mumbled.

She just laughed. "Those beans must be very interesting! You've been staring at them awhile," Pansy said snidely. Blaise laughed a little too. I shot a look at her, and her face dropped. "Draco it was just a joke. There's no need to be that way."

I sighed and looked back down at my plate. "I know, Pansy. I apologize again."

"If you apologize to me one more damn time I'm going to have to smack you again. But way harder. It's going to leave a mark."

I gasped. "Not my face! Why don't you slap Blaise?"

"Because he's not that one that apologizes too much!"

"That doesn't matter! Why me?"

We continued bickering until everybody in the great hall started leaving to go back to their respective dorms. I walked alongside my friends. I was stood between them while they talked on-and-on about complete nonsense. I think the last time I zoned into the conversation they were talking about four-leafed clovers.

"Muggles think they're good luck, you know? Isn't that strange?" Blaise looked curious.

Pansy, however- looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

"Clovers! Why clovers? That's such a normal thing! They could've at least chosen a pretty flower or something!" She looked bewildered. "Do they think anything is bad luck? I know about the black cats one, but not really anything else."

"Well, there's walking under a ladder."


"There's also opening an umbrella indoors." I chirped in. Both Pansy and Blaise both stopped and stared at me for a moment. I felt like a spotlight was just put on me. "What?" I asked. I really wanted them to stop staring at me.

They both blinked and looked at each other. "Oh! Draco I'm sorry!" Pansy blurted out. "We didn't really expect you to know something like that! You never really do any research on muggles." She was drawing out her words slowly, like she was trying to take back the words she said. I'm not really sure why, it's not like it'd hurt my feelings or something like that.

"Oh. Well, I'm not really researching anything, it's more that I overhear he muggle-borns' conversations sometimes."

"So... you eavesdrop?"



Uhh, I'm really sorry for this filler chapter. I know there's not really any Drarry in this (and there's barely any mention of Harry)

Oh! And I'm sorry for only really writing great hall scenes. I'm still not that great at writing school/classroom settings but I'll try my best!

I was going to add more, but I was feeling a little bit guilty about keeping you guys waiting for this long.

I've been getting comments, and a few people have added me to their reading lists! That's so exciting! Thank you all for the votes and reads. It really keeps me determined to keep going!

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