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all I wanted to say right now is thank you SOSOSOSO much for 10k reads!!! that's insane!! I remember being so damn exited when I got 1k. (I remember the exact moment, I was in the car with my older siblings and only my brother really cared lmao)

anyway, I'm so very sorry that my updates have been so slow lately. I've been trying my best to write as much as I can, but recently I've been busy with school, and also a shit ton of rehearsals. along with different fandoms (steven universe and until dawn mostly)

thank you for understanding!


I woke up on a mission

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I woke up on a mission. That mission being: Stop Potter From Being an Absolute Prat and Talk to Me.

I'd been going crazy. I couldn't handle him acting like this. I would accept any form of association, even if he kicks me straight in the stomach. I was just so fucking tired of him acting like he didn't want to associate with me ever again.

Pansy and Blaise had been trying to calm me down. It took them awhile to notice that it was driving me insane, but they figured it out after I punched the shower tiles and my knuckles bled after an agonisingly long day.

But of course, I needed help. So I asked Pansy if she knew anybody that could forge handwriting. Turns out, Theodore could and for some reason only Pansy knew. Apparently he used it for Hogsmede trips when we were younger.

Neither of them told me what they wrote or who they wanted to impersonate, but I went with it anyway. The basic idea was to get him to the astronomy tower at a certain time.

They sent the note with an owl, and the plan was set, and we just had to wait.


I waited by the ledge of the astronomy tower, holding onto the rails. Pansy told me they wrote to meet "Ginny" there a little past midnight. Or at least I hope that's what she wrote.

The wind blew colder as winter started rolling in. It's probably going to start snowing soon. It's nearly mid-November.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard fast, heavy footsteps echoing up the stairway. I turned to the source of the sound and furrowed my eyebrows. Why is he moving so fast?

Suddenly, I see him running up the last few steps, and we lock eyes.

He looks desperate and panicked, "I'm sorry Draco! Please don't do it!" He shouts. He's clutching a note in his right hand.

What the hell did they write to him?

Ok I know this chapter's disappointing, but I have some more pre-written ones lol. (I might do a few this week, and then slow it down just as a gift for being patient skfjkjf)

so you KNOW this chapter took several months to write when you see that there's a 10k authors note at the beginning, and there's 15k reads now LMAO

ok so anyway, 15k reads is insane. I never imagined myself being famous but here we are 🤪🤪

ok all jokes aside, it's amazing. Thank you for your reads and votes. I would also like to thank everyone that left supportive comments when I said I was taking a break. yall are angels I swear 😩

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