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This chapter has a lot of Draco and Blaise being bros comfortable with their sexuality so if y'all think anything sexual of it I'm gonna start a riot

This chapter has a lot of Draco and Blaise being bros comfortable with their sexuality so if y'all think anything sexual of it I'm gonna start a riot~~~~~

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(ok I never put notes after pictures, but even though I'm a lesbian, blaise zabini IS STILL HOT AS FUCK bro 😩😩)

The sound of panicked footsteps echoed through the nearly-empty halls of Hogwarts, as I tried to make it to some sort of toilet before I vomited all over myself.

See, I'm not a very 'athletic' person, though you might be able to tell from the fact that you can count almost all of my ribs. Running is definitely not my strong suit. Not only that, running while already feeling like you're about to throw up makes it about a million times worse.

When I finally made it to one of the boys' bathrooms and pushed the door open so intensely that it hit the wall with a loud bang, I had already thrown up in my own mouth.

I used my shoulder to push my way into a tiny stall and immediately dropped onto my knees. My throat burned as the contents of my stomach were emptied into the toilet in front of my face. I held my hair back as I propped my elbows on the toilet seat.

By the time I was finished dry-heaving into the bowl, tears were already streaming down my face, not only from the acid burning my throat, but from the shame I felt.

How could I possibly be so weak, that I can't even eat a full meal without throwing it up afterward? I'm so fucking pathetic.

I sat against the stall wall, trying to swallow the burning sensation in my throat. I'm not sure how long I was sat there, but at some point, Blaise popped his head under the stall door.

I jumped. I didn't even hear anybody come in!

I just stared at him through the hair covering my eyes, as he attempts so shimmy himself into the stall to come sit beside me. Eventually, his struggle is relieved when I reach out a hand and pull him in by his wrist.

He sat beside me against the wall and stared into my eyes. Well, he tried to, before he had to gently sweep the platinum blonde hair out of my face. Then he could see my eyes.

I avoided his gaze, as he carefully picks and chooses what he wants to say to me. I wipe the last bit of tears I had in my eyes while I waited for him to say something, anything.

"Draco?" His smooth voice startled me. I tore my gaze from the wall opposite to me, back to his face. I still didn't wanna say anything in response, so I just stared at him as I anticipated his next sentence. Blaise didn't want to let up, though.

"Draco." Blaise pressed further, clearly trying to get me to actually speak to him again. I finally groaned and gave up.

"What?" My voice was hoarse from throwing up, so it almost came out as a whisper. He reached out towards me again. I almost flinched away before I realized that he was just trying to caress my face.

"I'm sorry." He says, his thumb brushing my damp cheek. I was confused.


"I didn't know it was bothering you this much. We were just messing around, and I understand it went too far. I'm sorry." His apology was appreciated, yet somehow the way he said it made my blood boil.

"Why are you acting like I'm too sensitive to take a joke? It wasn't even that you guys were pestering me, it's still the fucking note. You guys do understand that it was wrong, correct?" I asserted. I pushed his hand away from my face, though I missed the touch.

"Of course we know."

"Then why did you do it?"

Blaise sucked in a breath. He turned his head away from mine and stared at the wall in front of us while thinking of something to say. I rolled my eyes and turned my head the opposite way of his, awaiting his response.

"Well, we know how much Potter cares about you."

I scoffed.

"And we know how much you care about Potter." I whipped my head back to stare at his face again. He genuinely looked apologetic, and I almost forgave him at that moment.

"That doesn't explain why you would write something like that," I muttered.

"As Pansy said, it got him up there in a flash. He had been avoiding you for a week, so we needed to take drastic measures."

"No the hell you didn't! You told him I was supposedly going to 'jump off the astronomy tower' and thought it was okay? Why couldn't you have done anything else? You could have told him I was hurt, or- or-!"

"Draco!" Blaise halted my little rant. He let out a long sigh. "I didn't have as much to do with it as you think I did. If you really want to talk to somebody about this, it has to be Theo or Pansy. I was a little bit skeptical, but we all knew it would work. We acted a little bit like 12-year-olds, but at least it worked- y' know?"

I glared back down at the floor. "I suppose it did. I'm not going to thank any of you, though." I muttered. He nudged me with his elbow.

"I don't expect you to." He says with a smile. I leaned my head on his shoulder. It was nice to just talk to Blaise again. We don't really get the chance with everybody else around. With both our pasts being weirdly fucked up, there's nothing we can do but stick together.

We sat there for a while before we realized the time.

"I suppose it's time for our next classes, huh." Blaise quipped. I groaned and pulled my head off his shoulder.

"Well, it's probably best that we get off the dirty bathroom floor..." I shuddered, finally realizing the situation that we were in.

"Draco, take a look around. Does this bathroom look dirty in the slightest? Look, I can see my reflection on the floor. Either the house-elves constantly clean them, or there are charms on the place."

"I guess so..."

"Well," Blaise says, pulling himself to his feet. "Let's go, shall we?" He held out his hand to me, helping me get up off the tiles.

"I'm still going to be ignoring them."

"Rightfully so."


Alright, this is more of a filler chapter, but then again, I only have the slightest plot idea, so I'm kinda just seeing how this will go. I'm never one to just plan everything and write the whole thing. Just going with the flow lmfao

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