Fire On Fire

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Chapter Seven {🧸🎄Merry Christmas🎄🧸}

«What happened to us?»

Caleb held his phone in his hands as he reread, for the millionth time, the message Gabriel sent him a week after their fight. It was the exact same question that he asked himself, he cared about Gabriel but he didn't love him anymore. Caleb had once told Gabriel that he would never have feelings towards Antoine, but he realized that it maybe had been an understatement.

Right from the start he knew he was attracted to Antoine, but never thought he would actually have feelings for him. It was true that Antoine hurt him, but he couldn't hate him after he literally begged him to forgive him. Caleb was sure that he felt something for Antoine, he was charming, spontaneous and unpredictable. Caleb wouldn't be able to tell what would Antoine do next; he understood that Antoine was confused, and he doubted whether he was willing to fight for a confused lad that wasn't able to find himself.

«Can you at least text me back?» his phone vibrated in his hands and took him out of his thoughts.

«I'm here» he answered. «I can't do this over the phone, we can meet and talk if you want»

«Come to my place»

Caleb took his keys and drove to Gabriel's place. He lived in a little studio in the twelfth floor of a hotel in downtown Madrid. Gabriel opened the door and Caleb stretched out his hand to Gabriel, but he just stared at it with disgust and told him to get in. Caleb made his way to the living room where the view was breathtaking, he made a compliment about it but Gabriel wasn't in mood for casual taking. Caleb felt bad just by being there, he didn't feel comfortable around Gabriel anymore which was alarming to him.

"Gab, beforehand I want to apologize" Caleb spoke up after an awkward moment of silence. "I shouldn't have been such an asshole the other day, you have all the right to be mad at me."

"No, Caleb" Gabriel replied. "I'm not mad at you, I'm so disappointed. I never thought you would be able to do such despicable thing."

Caleb wanted to say that the kiss didn't mean anything to him, but it did. He just looked to the floor and let Gabriel keep taking.

"I love you so much and it hurts me so bad what you are doing to me" Gabriel continued, tears streaming in his eyes. "I asked you not to break my heart, but that was the first thing you did."

"Gab, I..."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Gabriel cried out loud and ran to the kitchen where he took out a bottle of scotch and started drinking.

"Gabriel, I don't think you should start drinking" Caleb said, he knew it wasn't going to end well.

"Now you care about me?" Gabriel snarled. "You don't give a fuck about me."

"Gab, don't say that" Caleb teared up a little bit as Gabriel took his third shot. "I do care about you."

"You don't!" Gabriel shouted. "You just don't!"

"I do Gabriel!"Caleb shouted back. "Please, just stop drinking!"

"Y-you don't" Gabriel stumbled on his words, the alcohol was taking over him.

"Okay, enough" Caleb said before taking the bottle of whiskey away from Gabriel.

Caleb was taller than Gabriel, so he placed the bottle in the top shelf where he was sure Gabriel wasn't going able to reach it, at least not drunk. Gabriel cursed at Caleb from taking the alcohol from him, he shouted and was pissed off but suddenly he started crying uncontrollably. Gabriel hit Caleb's chest with his fists as Caleb embraced him between his arms. Caleb held him tightly as he continued crying in his chest, he quickly took him to his bed where they stayed until Gabriel felt asleep.

Caleb made sure all the lights were off before leaving. He drove home absentmindedly, almost causing two accidents on his way. As he approached to his designated parking, Caleb could notice that a familiar red McLaren was parked in one of his two spots. He squinted his eyes as he tried to make out inside the car, but the smoked glass windows didn't let him see even a peak from the inside. He drew nearer to investigate, he was more than sure that it was Antoine's car. He placed his hands and forehead on the window, trying to penetrate with his sight the smoked glass window.

"Can I help you?" He heard someone behind his back.

"Hey, is this car yours?" Caleb uttered as he faced a brunette girl who changed her worried expression to a smile as soon as she saw him.

"It certainly is" she beamed. "Why?"

"It's just you're using my parking, it's not a big deal, but I just wondered" Caleb replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry" she said. "I just needed a place near the elevators and since your parking was available, I just parked here. I'm sorry."

"That's fine" Caleb smiled. "This is such a nice car, I don't mind if my neighbors think it's mine."

"You can look inside" she smirked as she unlocked the car.

"Thanks, but I'm okay" Caleb smiled. "My car is right here, so just be careful when taking out stuff."

"Oh, we sure will" she sighed.

"Thanks" Caleb said. "I'll see you around then."

"Hey!" she called Caleb's attention, Caleb halted as he made his way to the elevators. "Sorry again for taking your parking lot without asking and thank you for letting me stay, I didn't know I would have such a nice and good looking neighbor."

"No problem" Caleb chuckled as his cheeks were burning, oh sweetie if you only knew.

"You sure you don't want to get inside my car?" She drew nearer to Caleb. "I could show you all the features it has."

"I should get going" Caleb said as he awkwardly made his way to the elevator. "See you around."

"Sure, I will" she winked.

"Bye, then" Caleb waved awkwardly as he heard how she whispered mi amor under her breath.

He got home feeling rather flattered. He laughed ironically as he remembered how the girl had flirted with him down at the parking. He could've sworn on his life that it was Antoine's car, maybe it was just a mere coincidence. He shrugged it off and drank some green tea as he watched netflix in his living room. The knocks on the door annoyed him as he had to pause the show and look who was bothering him at midnight. He opened the door and saw the same girl that flirted with him down some minutes ago, Caleb almost dropped dead as he saw Antoine standing next to her.

"I think we didn't have the chance to introduce ourselves" she said eagerly as Caleb nor Antoine couldn't utter a word.

"Oh yeah" Caleb sighed as he recovered his breath, he couldn't quit his eyes off Antoine who was as shocked as him.

"I'm Erika" she stretched out his hand. "I'm going to be your new neighbor."

"I'm Caleb" he replied as they shook hands.

"How rude am I" Erika tapped herself in the forehead. "He's..."

"Antoine Griezmann" Caleb finished the sentence for her as he stretched out his hand to him. "How could I not recognize him?"

Antoine shook hands with Caleb as they felt equally confused about the situation. Antoine and Caleb stared at each other awkwardly, thinking why in the world, whenever and wherever in Madrid, they have to meet that way and in that time.

They didn't know whether it was a sign, a coincidence or a trap, they just knew that no matter how hard they tried, something would always bring them together.

Meant To Be (An Antoine Griezmann Fanfiction) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now