Deceptive Family

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

It was a Saturday night when Caleb's family had joined to have some dinner together. Everything had been organized to perfection by Caleb's mother, Martha, since her beloved son had graduated from med school with honors as a Summa Cum Laude. The table had been elegantly set and the house had been beautifully arranged with fresh, white and red roses. As soon as Caleb crossed the front door, he was received with a round of applauses by all the house servants and maids, they all congratulated Caleb as he made his way to the living room wearing his white apron.

Caleb's father, Harold, offered him a glass of his finest 50-year-old scotch as they waited for the waiters to bring the French champagne. Harold toasted his glass with Caleb's and they stared together at the fireplace. Harold broke the ice by telling his son how proud he was of him and how he carried the family name with honor. He said he didn't want to say too much because he will ruin the speech he had prepared for later.

Caleb's aunts, uncles and cousins had arrived to the dinner party by the time they went downstairs. Each one of them congratulated Caleb for his academic achievement and told them how proud they were of him. Caleb felt that he had fulfilled and overcame all of his family's expectations, but there was just one thing that he hadn't told them yet: he was gay.

It was supposed to be a family dinner, but Taylor and Caleb had invited friends over as well. While Taylor had invited her pen-pal from London, Louis, Caleb had invited his friend that had saved him from alcohol poisoning, Gabriel. Louis and Gabriel arrived together as the last people to show up, they greeted all of the family politely and sat down in one of the tables set for the dinner.

"Can I have you attention please?" Harold called everyone's attention by clattering a fork against the champagne glass.

"I want to welcome you to a day that in my family would last forever as milestone of pride and honor" Harold added as everyone stopped chitchatting. "We are here to celebrate the graduation of my dear son, doctor Caleb Brown."

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Since you were a little boy, I knew you were destined for greatness" Harold said. "Along with your mother, we have always tried to support you in all the ways we could, and it has certainly paid off. We are incredibly proud of you and we love you."

Everyone sighed softly.

"I invite you to raise your glasses and toast for my son, the doctor" Harold blubbered. "Cheers!"

The dinner was deliciously prepared and there was more alcohol than the club where Gabriel was working at that time. The party went pretty smoothly and everybody was having a good time, by midnight, Harold had secretly invited his old friend from high school that had a daughter of Caleb's age. He had been talking with his friend for a while and they both had been planning to set them up.

"Caleb" Harold called his attention while he was having a drink with Gabriel.

"Yeah?" Caleb replied as he drew nearer to his father.

"I want you to meet Samantha Hilton" Harold said. "She's daughter of my dear friend Roger, one of the owners of the Hilton group, remember?"

"Oh yeah" Caleb scoffed. "It's so nice to meet you."

"Likewise" Samantha beamed before giving Caleb a kiss in the cheek.

"That's a beautiful Chanel" Caleb complimented her purse, his father frowned. "I love how they incorporated the gold chains to the last collection."

"I know right!" Samantha exclaimed. "They look so much more expensive and elegant."

"I'll let you two get to know each other" Harold said sketchily.

Meant To Be (An Antoine Griezmann Fanfiction) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now