Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Who's the Sneakiest of Them All?

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Chapter Eighteen

It had been a couple of days since the guys last spoke to each other and it was killing them. Antoine's silence had Caleb thinking in all the ways he could apologize to Antoine for calling the paparazzi whilst Caleb's silence had Antoine thinking in all the ways he could apologize to Caleb for belittling him. What Caleb didn't took into account was that Antoine didn't know that he had called the paparazzi and Antoine wasn't aware that Caleb didn't hold any grudges against him: Caleb was too busy feeling guilty.

Each time they would receive a call, their hearts would stop for a second until they realize it wasn't the one they were expecting. It was a true battle between who had the biggest pride, but Caleb's guilt was bigger than his pride, so he decided to make the first move and drove to Antoine's house on a Friday night. Caleb was the last person Antoine was expecting to see at his doorstep that night. He thought Caleb was being very mature at trying to make things up and, without thinking twice, he invited him in: ready to apologize.

"Hey" Antoine smiled as he closed the door behind Caleb. "What a nice surprise."

"There's something I need to tell you" Caleb blurted out.

"Is everything okay?" Antoine asked intrigued. "Can I get you a glass of water or wine? You seem kind of restless."

"I'm good" Caleb replied. "I'll be quick."

"Alright, but first I want to say something" Antoine said. "If I didn't say this earlier is because I didn't know how to say it. I wanted to apologize for..."

"Antoine, you don't need to apologize" Caleb interrupted. "The thing is that..."

"Caleb, I want to" Antoine cut him off in mid-sentence. "I'm really sorry for belittling you, I mean..."

"Antoine, please don't" Caleb stopped Antoine.

"I feel I need to do this" Antoine replied before Caleb could utter another word. "You've been nothing but supportive and the way I belittled you was just despicable and..."

"I'm the one who called the paparazzi" Caleb sighed cutting him off in mid-apology, Antoine stopped abruptly.

"What?" Antoine said, his thin lips trembling.

"I wanted to give you a little push, I wasn't thinking clearly" Caleb said while Antoine remained silent. "I was selfish and unthoughtful. I'm deeply sorry, I understand if you're mad or angry."

Antoine didn't say a thing, he stared at Caleb while his hazel eyes shone vividly.

"Please say something" Caleb uttered as his heart threatened to get out of his chest.

"I have nothing to say to you" Antoine shrugged calmly.

"I get if you're mad or angry" Caleb sighed desperately. "Shout at me, let me have it, I deserve it."

"I never imagined you would betray me like that" Antoine said.

"Antoine, I'm deeply sorry" Caleb felt his voice breaking. "I will do whatever you want."

"I don't need anything from you" Antoine sighed. "Please, just leave me alone."

"Antoine..." Caleb muttered as his eyes watered. "Please, anything, I swear."

"I dare you to go out and expose yourself. Tell the whole medical community that you slept with your patient" Antoine replied full of anger.

"What?" Caleb asked.

"What you heard" Antoine snapped. "Tell everybody that you violated the medical ethics for sleeping with me."

Caleb remained speechless.

Meant To Be (An Antoine Griezmann Fanfiction) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now