No She Better Don't

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Chapter Eight {🎆 🍾 Happy New Year 🍾🎆}

It was a Sunday morning in sunny Madrid when Antoine run into his ex —Erika— in the market. At first, Erika didn't notice that Antoine had seen her until he «accidentally» bumped into her by the organic jam stand. Erika greeted him cheerfully and stablished a conversation right away, she was a personable gal, positive and happy which Antoine appreciated considering the situation he was going through. They talked for a couple of hours in which Antoine told her about his shoulder injury and Erika explained that she found a new apartment to where she was moving in that week; Antoine gladly offered himself to help her. Who said that exes couldn't be friends?

"Are you sure?" Erika frowned. "I mean, thanks, but you have a shoulder injury."

"I'm pretty sure I can lift some boxes" Antoine said. "I will be helpful, I promise."

"Okay" Erika smiled. "Only the little boxes."

Antoine picked Erika up from her old place and drove her to the new apartment in downtown Madrid. It was the Spanish Soho, right in the heart of the city, built up by elegant and sophisticated buildings with modern industrial façades. Antoine saw two empty spots near the elevators and parked his car there. They began taking some boxes with photographs and synthetic flowers to the apartment, Antoine gave his car keys to Erika as he took one box in the elevator.

Erika's place was amazing, it was spacious, modern and open concept. The gigantic windows offered a breathtaking view of the city that left Antoine speechless. He left the box in the kitchen counter and stared at the street and every building through the window, he felt hypnotized as he looked at the tiny cars moving though the busy streets of the city. Erika drew Antoine's attention as she entered to the room completely excited.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed as she reached Antoine. "Guess what have just happened."

Antoine shook his head. "I don't know."

"I met the most handsome and hot guy ever" she sighed. "He was so perfect: blond, blue eyes, beautiful smile and I could tell he had a hot body."

Antoine scratched his head, that description sounded hauntingly familiar.

"For some strange reason the top of his shirt was wet so I could see his mouthwatering pecs" Erika said.

"What's his name?" Antoine played it cool.

"Oh gosh, I'm so mad, I didn't get to ask his name." Erika pouted. "He lives next door, should we just go and ask his name?"

"I don't think that's a good idea" Antoine said. "What if he's married or something?"

"You're right" Erika agreed. "Did you leave some boxes in the car?"

"Just the ones that were too heavy to carry them with one arm, why?" Antoine replied.

"We will go to his apartment and ask him for help" Erika cheered. "I will say that you have your shoulder injured and that you can't lift heavy boxes — which is true."

Antoine grimaced. On one hand, he knew that Erika's plan was good, but he felt something was out of place. On the other hand, he was eager to get to know the man she had just described, he was into dudes, right? He just needed to get to know some of the fish that were in the sea. "Alright, let's do it."

"How did you know where he lived?" Antoine asked as they made their way through the hallway.

"I looked at the apartment number painted in the parking lot" Erika replied. "I can't believe we missed that, but I'm glad we did."

Erika knocked on the door. Some audible noises coming from a tv went silent as they both heard somebody approaching to the door. It was close to midnight, so they were ready in case the handsome stranger was in a bad mood. The door revealed Erika's Adonis and Antoine's soul fell to the floor as he saw it was Caleb who opened the door.

"I think we didn't have the chance to introduce ourselves" she said eagerly as Caleb nor Antoine couldn't utter a word.

"Oh yeah" Caleb sighed as he recovered his breath, he couldn't quit his eyes off Antoine who was as shocked as him.

"I'm Erika" she stretched out his hand. "I'm going to be your new neighbor."

"I'm Caleb" he replied as they shook hands.

"How rude am I" Erika tapped herself in the forehead. "He's..."

"Antoine Griezmann" Caleb finished the sentence for her as he stretched out his hand to him. "How could I not recognize him?"

Antoine quickly reacted and shook Caleb's hand, Antoine felt chills running down his spine as Caleb smiled at him. Antoine was mad to see Caleb so tranquil about the situation, he was almost dying inside, but Caleb seemed not to be bothered at all.

"Nice to meet you" Caleb smiled. "I'm sorry about your shoulder, the Atleti had been struggling the last couple of matches without you."

"Nothing that I won't be able to fix once I'm back" Antoine replied, how cocky. "I heard my doctor is pretty good, so he will be able to put me back in the field in no time."

"Sounds good" Caleb smirked. "Who's your doctor?"

Antoine gulped, he hated when Caleb cornered him.

"Don't mean to be rude, but we were wondering if could help us to take some boxes upstairs" Erika interrupted, Antoine let out a sigh of relief. "Antoine can't do it because he's injured, so we will really appreciate it."

"Absolutely" Caleb smiled.

They went back down to the parking lot when Caleb had to squat to lift the box up. Erika and Antoine both checked Caleb out as he picked up the box and made his way to the elevator. Caleb wasn't dumb to not know what was going on, but since Antoine was part of it, he didn't care. Caleb put the box down inside the elevator and waited for Antoine and Erika to hop in. Once they reached the eighth floor, Erika went out first and before Antoine could get out, Caleb crouched down to pick the box up making Antoine halt dryly and touch his groin with Caleb's lower back.

"Everything okay?" Caleb smirked, Antoine's cheeks were burning red.

"Mhmm" he affirmed. "After you."

Caleb left the box inside Erika's apartment. Erika was hopeful Antoine would leave them alone after she made it obvious that she was into Caleb, but she noticed that Antoine had no interest in leaving any time soon. The way they were talking and smiling at each other made Erika suspicious on Antoine, making her think if he could be a little interested in Caleb as well. She shook her head at the thought of it, she was sure that Antoine was only being friendly at Caleb.

It was close to two in the morning when Erika invited Caleb to stay for a glass of wine in her apartment. Caleb politely declined her invitation stating that he had to work early in the morning. Since Erika had already opened the bottle of wine thinking Caleb would accept, she offered Antoine a glass of wine. They talked for a couple of minutes, Erika wasn't leaving the idea of Antoine being into Caleb too. Her instinct told her that Antoine was into Caleb and she knew that her gut was never wrong.

"What did you think of Caleb?" Erika said as she poured a little bit more wine in Antoine's cup.

"He's a nice guy" Antoine said. "Very charming."

"I know right?" Erika agreed. "He's kind of hot too."

"He surely is" Antoine giggled, he couldn't believe he had just said that; Erika squinted her eyes.

"Antoine, can I ask you a question?" Erika said.

"Hit me" Antoine said as he drained the cup of wine.

"Is there a possibility..." Erika trailed off, she couldn't do it. Antoine was sure that she was going to ask her to get back together as a couple.

"... that you might be gay?"

Meant To Be (An Antoine Griezmann Fanfiction) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now