Forbidden Attraction

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Chapter Fifteen

It's a true fact that something is more desirable when it's forbidden. It was as if the idea of Caleb pushing him away, made Antoine want Caleb even more. Antoine listened to his pride —at least at the beginning— and limited himself to some nights of self pleasure to the fantasy of Caleb kissing him and touching his body. The nightly rituals became duller as the days turned into weeks and the erotic memoirs lost their touch. Antoine was done letting Caleb ignore him, he needed to do something about it, Caleb's attention was the only one he cared about. 

Antoine started going regularly to Erika's apartment and waited for Caleb to arrive to casually and eventfully leave the apartment. Caleb would politely greet him and enter to his apartment immediately, leaving Antoine restless. Caleb's indifference had Antoine thinking hard in his next movement, he tried everything to make Caleb talk to him, but his attempts were just a waste of time.

One Friday night, right outside of Caleb's door, Antoine held an empty mug in his hand. Antoine was trying to make up something and knock on Caleb's door when it suddenly opened itself from the inside. Caleb halted dryly as he noticed Antoine standing there, their hearts started beating faster and their respirations turned irregular. Caleb felt greatly surprised by his visit, but he didn't let the emotions hit his face. He was a grown man and he would do anything to prove his point.

"What are you doing here?" Caleb beamed at Antoine.

"Could you..." Antoine trailed off and shook the empty mug.

"Sugar?" Caleb completed the sentence for him.

"Please?" Antoine smiled innocently.

Caleb invited him in and Antoine settled back by the kitchen island while Caleb fetched the sugar jars from the cupboard. Antoine rested his arms over the counter while he waited on Caleb to fill up the mug. Caleb started dropping some sugar in the mug when his phone vibrated in his pocket, he placed the jar on top of the counter and answered the incoming call. Antoine felt happy at the few extra minutes he would get to stay in Caleb's apartment while Caleb took the call.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to see you too" Caleb chuckled over the phone.

"Sure, tonight at 8" Caleb added a few moments later.

Antoine tried to play it cool, but he was craving to know whom Caleb was going to meet. Caleb finished filling up the mug and Antoine left after thanking him. He went back to Erika's apartment and stood there looking through the door peephole until Caleb went out. Antoine followed him to a very fancy restaurant in downtown Madrid, he waited for Caleb to enter and asked for a table near Caleb. He covered his face with the menu and waited for the incognito to appear. He hadn't even arrived and Antoine felt already like hating him.

Antoine imagined an ugly and stinky guy entering through the door, but his mouth fell to the ground when he saw a mouthwatering, suited guy sitting in front of Caleb. Antoine looked at himself and realized how underdressed he was compared to him, his black T-shirt and jeans were nothing to the fitted, navy blue, three-piece suit he was wearing. Caleb beamed widely at the man that had just arrived, which made Antoine rage on the inside.

"I'm sorry I'm late" he said breathlessly. You better, Antoine thought.

"I was just a little early" Caleb shrugged and smiled.

He chuckled as he grabbed the menu. "You hungry?"

"Starving" he replied as he grabbed his menu as well.

Antoine payed much attention to what was going on by Caleb's table. He felt threaten at the suited guy, as if somebody was trying to take something away from him. Antoine wouldn't admit it, but he was utterly jealous; so jealous that he didn't realized his fists were tightly clenched ever since that guy sat down at Caleb's table.

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