Pyrrhic Victory

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Chapter Fourteen

Antoine entered to the conference room filled with reporters and cameras a few days later the day he had the discussion with Caleb. They began grumbling loudly and taking pictures of him as he made his way to the table staged in the middle of the room. He sat down in the middle of the table with Simeone at one side and his manager at the other. Antoine thought twice before doing what he was about to do, but it was fair and necessary. He had talked to his PR team and all his management, and all of them arrived to the conclusion that it was the right call to make.

As soon as they all settled back, hands of the dozen reporters raised in the air. Antoine's hands were shaky and sweaty, he knew all the types of questions that were coming, but, even though he was very nervous, he felt prepared for all of them. Simeone turned his head towards Antoine and looked at him as if he asked him if he was ready to begin. Antoine understood and nodded slightly to which Simeone pointed at a random reporter whom stood up and shoot his question.

"It's finally good to see you back, fully recovered..." he said, Antoine smiled weakly.

"Thank you" Antoine replied.

"I just want to know..." he trailed. "...what is your position at all the speculation that has been going on towards the scandal at the Teatro Kapital Club five days ago?"

Everybody looked at one another and started gossiping between each other, Antoine looked at all of them calmly, knowing perfectly that the cameras were rolling and he needed to be convincing with his side of the story.

"It was all a misunderstanding" Antoine said, everybody scribbled down rapidly and some of them drew their recorders nearer Antoine. "The person who made those serious accusations was clearly intoxicated."

"But, were you or were you not with his ex boyfriend that night?" another reporter blurted out.

"I went out with my friend Erika that night. It was very crowded, and after loosing sight of her due to all the people in the club, I casually bumped into my physiotherapist, Caleb Brown" Antoine explained convincingly. "It was just a couple of seconds before that individual over the DJ cabin started screaming at me."

"There are some witnesses that say: you were dancing with Brown very intimately. Is this true?" Another reporter asked.

"As I said, it was a pretty busy night. It could've been anybody dancing with Caleb. I'm not that tall, so I don't know how many people allegedly saw me in such a crowded room" Antoine scoffed, the crowd laughed.

"So, all the accusations concerning your sexuality are true or not?" A tall brown-haired girl asked, Antoine didn't show any sign of concern as he knew that question was coming.

"I don't know why people like to talk about the sexual orientation of others" Antoine uttered. "I don't think it should be something of their business, it is a completely personal topic that shouldn't be disclosed in the public eye."

"You didn't answer my question" she chuckled followed by the whole crowd, Antoine remained calm.

"He did, let me just translate it to you" Simeone intervened. "He basically said that he has all the right to remain private about personal stuff like his sexuality; it isn't any of your business whatever he does out of the pitch, you are sport reporters, right?"

"Does this mean that you have something to hide towards your relationship with your doctor?" Somebody blurted out, everybody started chitchatting loudly after a moment of silence.

"I don't have any other than a professional relationship with my doctor" Antoine replied annoyed. "I would say that we bumped into each other in the wrong place and time."

Meant To Be (An Antoine Griezmann Fanfiction) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now