Love, Love, Love

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Antoine always knew that day would come, but he didn't expect it would turn out to be so good. After Antoine kissed Caleb publicly at the World Cup final, he thought he would loose all his sponsorships and his career would be over. But as Antoine confirmed he was dating a man, many brands reached out to him to offer him more sponsorships and contracts. Brands were looking for an «out and proud» type of soccer player and they found one in Antoine. People reached out to him to tell him he was an inspiration and a role model, along with the World Cup, it was the best of times for Antoine: he had decided to follow his heart and it had certainly paid off.

The month after the French team had won the World Cup, all of them were invited to a special event held at Clairefontaine, in the mere same room where Antoine had called Caleb months ago. The French were utterly excited since the last time they won a World Cup was back in 1998, so they had organized the biggest party for their champions. The finest champagne, the tastiest caviar and the most delicious croquembouche was prepared for all of them. The invitations were sent and the entertainment hired, it was certainly going to be a night to remember.

Antoine, Caleb, Maria and Paul enjoyed some brunch by the garden. Maria and Caleb had become close friends since the World Cup final, they had been planning vacations and some holidays they could spend together. Paul and Antoine looked at themselves while Caleb and Maria couldn't decide between Ibiza or Cabo for the end of summer vacation before the season started. They shook their heads and wondered if Caleb and Maria becoming friends with each other had been a good idea. Between champagne, waffles and pancakes, Antoine couldn't feel more carefree and happy with the life he had chosen to live: being completely himself.

"So" Paul uttered after swallowing a waffle. "Who's the girl in the relationship?"

Antoine and Caleb looked at each other, Maria shook her head. "We are both guys" Caleb chuckled completely unbothered.

"Don't be silly, Paul" Maria intervened, she turned her head to Caleb. "He meant who's the top and who's the bottom."

Caleb laughed, Antoine choked with his mimosa. "That's a pretty wacky question" Caleb laughed.

"It's okay if you don't want to answer though" Maria said while holding Caleb's hand.

"But I want to know" Paul shrugged, Maria hit him in the arm. "Ouch!"

"Allez, Maria" Antoine uttered. "Don't hit my friend."

"Merci, Grizzy!" Paul exclaimed. "So...?"

"I'd rather not talk about it, it's kind of personal" Antoine shrugged.

"Oh, I get it" Paul squinted his eyes. "Grizzy likes to be on bottom."

Antoine blushed, Paul laughed.

"Not really" Caleb intervened. "Antoine is pretty much in charge, he totally likes to dominate."

"Really?" Paul asked surprised. "This little guy?"

"He's not that little down there" Caleb smirked, Paul coughed. "He always wants to keep going, round after round, and I just can't keep up."

"See" Maria said. "You should learn from Antoine and take some action!"

They talked and laughed for the rest of the brunch, competing between who was the best at moaning. Antoine's and Maria's moans were completely superior to Caleb's and Paul's, and after a tight round between Maria and Antoine, Maria was proclaimed the winner.

"Too bad, Paul" Caleb chuckled. "Seems like Maria has been acting pretty convincingly all this time."

"Ha ha" Paul sneered. "But since you were the first one eliminated, it's pretty clear you like to be on the bottom."

"Touché" Caleb laughed.

After brunch, Antoine and Caleb went to their room to get ready for the night. They walked back silently side to side until they reached their room, Antoine had been thinking about the conversation they had earlier with Paul. Caleb had taken the bullet for him and he couldn't be more grateful to him, he admired Caleb's courage and was actually starting to feel protected whenever he was by his side. As soon as they got in, Caleb threw himself over the bed, Antoine next to him. They had been sharing a room with two beds since the rooms were designed to host players and not lovers.

"I want to thank you for protecting me earlier at brunch" Antoine uttered as he rested his head over Caleb's chest. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem" Caleb said as he started caressing Antoine's hair. "We have only done it once, so it was more like a tricky question."

"It's been that long?" Antoine replied surprised. "Aren't you in the mood?"

"Every time I see you" Caleb chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, but every time you walk in, I just want to rip your clothes off and enjoy every inch of your body."

"I thought it was just me" Antoine laughed. "So, why don't you rip my clothes off and show me what you're made of?"

"Okay" Caleb replied as he put himself on top of Antoine. He quickly opened the drawer and took a condom out of it, he put it in his mouth and held it with his teeth. He drew closer to Antoine and made him hold the condom with his teeth just like he did seconds ago. "But this time, you're on top."

Antoine eagerly took the lead until they both ended up breathing heavily on top of the bed. They looked at each other and laughed like they couldn't believe they had just done that. They went in for a couple of rounds more before they realized they needed to start getting ready for the party. They stayed in bed for a couple more minutes enjoying each other's company, they realized that from that time and on, they weren't going to be having sex, because they were actually making love.

"Do you remember that time I called you very drunk?" Antoine sighed as he embraced Caleb with his right arm.

"How could I forget it?" Caleb chuckled.

"Do you want to know what I said?" Antoine asked.

"Yes" Caleb replied.

"I firstly apologized" Antoine said. "For all the times I mistreated and belittled you."

"Okay" Caleb nodded.

"Then, I told you I was an idiot" Antoine sniggered.

"I can see" Caleb laughed.

"And finally I told you I loved you" Antoine scoffed.

"Really?" Caleb smirked, Antoine inhaled deeply.

"If I told you I loved you at that time, now I really, really mean it" Antoine said seriously. "I love you, Caleb."

Caleb teared up as he heard Antoine uttering the words he never thought he would listen from him. They have lived so many ups and downs together, but he had sincerely seen Antoine committed to a relationship with him. It was unclear where that relationship would take them, but he was sure he wanted to risk everything for Antoine.

"I love you too."

Meant To Be (An Antoine Griezmann Fanfiction) [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now